I'm getting back to where I was 2 weeks ago! I think this weigh in will be pretty good actually. I know it's only Wednesday, so I do have a couple more days to keep myself in check, but I'm feeling good about it. Per my scale, I'm back to where my scale said on the 15th. Now WW scale that day suprised me and was a bit lower than my home scale, so I'm not sure.... but we'll see! I mean hypothetically, I should be where I was on the 15th by what I'm seeing today.... Soooo we shall see.
Don't eat stress. Don't eat stress. Don't eat stress. Don't eat stress.
Feeling quite a bit disorganized in life right now. Between new jobs being added to my plate at work and trying to figure out how to manage and organize and keep everything straight...to trying to keep up on homework, school activities, etc...and then the house... It's just overwhelming at times. It's working so far, but it just flusters me. I need to really work on a system at work with all my new work.... Gotta figure that out.
Okay, too busy to type more!!