Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Just an update


Saw this and it stood out.  Loving yourself is the most important and probably one of the biggest challenges for most people -- including myself!  You would think it would be easy...knowing YOU are important...YOU should treat yourself well....YOU deserve.  

I often struggle because I put other people ahead of myself.  It's so much easier for me to take care of others.  But as they say, you can't pour from an empty cup.  During Covid, I've gained a hobby.  I started crocheting.  Finished a blanket so far and 2 more are in progress.  It's something relaxing and enjoyable for me.  We've also moved an elliptical upstairs and I'm trying to use that more.  The past 2 days I've used it and completed my exercise rings on my iWatch.  As comes with most of my posts after not posting for a while - I'm at my heaviest.  I can't continue this trend.  Covid definitely didn't help.  Eating more. Doing less. Drinking more.  

But no more excuses. The time is now :) Moving in the right direction.  
Taking control!!


Thursday, November 5, 2020

Stressed backwards spells Desserts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  So I'm not an overly political person - sometimes it feels like a blessing but sometimes I do wish I was more well-versed.  Those who know me, know that I don't like conflict at all.  Even still, the stress of this election, compounded with the stress of COVID, the state of our country -- it's got nearly everyone on edge.  For someone with anxiety, it's even more.  

  It seems like an excuse to say all this has led me to not be on track, but I do think it plays into it some.  Of course I have my own confidence issues and other things too that compound, but just the tensions and doom and gloom within the country right now do elevate stress levels and distract from being able to focus on bettering myself.  (The giant bowl of Halloween candy doesn't help either if I'm being honest -- probably time to move that downstairs LOL)

  I did enjoy making some soups the past couple days.  I made this butternut squash soup -- which wound up being a bit spicy.  Good for the metabolism right?? But it was so yummy.  I also made some homemade chicken noodle soup.  Makes me think of good times with my grandma and grandpa!  I'm going to have some of that today.  And hey, maybe I won't have any candy - that'd be a plus :)  

Just need to work on some healthier recipes and not grabbing food out or snacking on junk.  I've got cantaloupe cut up and ready to go today.  Still gotta figure out dinner, but I'll have the chicken noodle soup for lunch. 

I've got my bracelet on and ready for the day!  Not promising, but going to try to get myself to work out today.  I haven't weighed for a while....tomorrow is technically my weigh in day for WW, so I'll step on and see where I am.  Basically, I've just been giving my $12ish a month away for WW.  Gonna work on improving that.  Reminding myself that just because it's not tracked, doesn't mean it doesn't count and won't show up on the scale.  

We'll all see what happens with this election soon, but hopefully as official news is given, the stress level will deescalate and we'll start moving in the direction of peace.  Sorry this is starting out to be a crappy blog...It'll get better (hopefully) -- at least it's real [LOL] Not all rainbows and weight loss here!  


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

So I'm a little slow lol

 But I am doing it now... Yesterday I got back to tracking and working out.  Short and sweet workouts so far, but it's something! I'm doing the Morning Meltdown 100 on BOD.  Arms and Core so far...I'm feeling it!  I've also been logging my food with WW.  So far so good!  Need to focus on more water these days!

Yesterday's dinner was tasty.  I wasn't sure about it before I made it - Sometimes you forget to cancel a HelloFresh delivery and you don't get to pick your meals...wound up with 3 vegetarian dishes.  This one didn't speak to me, but wound up being super yummy!  I only had half --- which was good after I logged it on the WW app. LOL Holy points..  but between cheese and couscous, I see why.  Super yummy though!!
Gonna stick with just a short and sweet update today.  Two workout pics as proof :) 

Tomorrow night we'll be visiting a supposedly haunted former asylum.  Not looking forward to all the stairs LOL but it's gonna be super interesting I feel!  I can't wait to get this weight off and not have to worry about being out of breath along with all the other hindrances this weight causes. Gotta get there!!


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Oh man - it's been 2 years?!


Holy smokes... so I slacked a bit I guess.... And while I'd love to tell you I've worked super hard and reached goal weight....well, I haven't. (shocker!!)  

Well I don't know where I was last time I blogged, but I can tell you I'm heavier and likely less healthy now. ::sigh:: I kept tossing around the idea of getting back on here, and today I'm taking the plunge. I'm not waiting for a Monday...or for Halloween to pass...or until all the bad stuff is out of the house -- I'm saying "Hey, remember me?" now.  If you haven't read my blogs before here's a summary...(which I'm sure I've gone over after my many breaks before - so sorry for the repeat - I'll try to keep it condensed)

  • I've been overweight pretty much forever it seems
  • I've tried almost all the "quick fixes" and not so quick fixes- Atkins, Keto, South Beach, Herbalife, Shakeology, WW, VLCD, Diet Bets, Nutrisystem, ItWorks...
  • I rejoined WW online about 2 months ago and haven't really done anything with it... but I'm going to change that
  • I've got a BeachBody on Demand Membership that I'm not using... but I'm going to change that too!
  • I struggle with focusing on slow and steady wins the race.  My ultimate goal is so far away that I get discouraged often
  • I have anxiety and let it get the best of me
  • I self-sabotage and give up on myself a lot of the time
  • Luckily I have an amazing partner in life who loves me for me and will help me get to where I want to be!! 
I have plenty of bad habits - as we all do - but it's time to prioritize my health and well-being.  Time to make some changes.  When taking the pics above, I thought about doing the frumpy, no-makeup, bad angle pic that's depressing and blah.  Instead, I straightened my hair, put some makeup on and took some pics I felt good about.  I'm going to make changes and it's going to be noticeable no matter what.  I have so many pics just from life and candid shots to make me not feel good about myself.

So I'm not keep on as I have to make dinner (Roast Turkey, Acorn Squash) but I'm going to try to commit to getting on here frequently. Of course I'll keep it real - as I always do.  You get the good, the bad and the dirty ugly truth --- and I'll try to limit falling off the face of the Earth.  I'm gonna try to diligently track on WW and get back to working out some!  

Thanks for reading --

xo Katie

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Let’s reset —
Today my eating still isn’t on track, but I have a plan. I lost desire to do 80 Day Obsession this time around and really want to do something new... something that works better for my life - my schedule. I’m going to take a leap and start doing T25. It looks a bit intense as I flipped through some of the videos today, but Shaun T looks like he’ll be an amazing instructor. I know Steve enjoyed the program he did by Shaun previously! So I’m going to do it. 5 days a week. 25 min a day -  50 min on Fridays... but I feel it’s going to be upbeat enough for me to enjoy the struggle.

Nutrition is something else we really need to get back to. So today was/is no good like I said... Chinese leftovers and some chocolates at work. But I do have plans to make this healthy onion soup this week, as well as this spinach and penne pasta, and a couple other healthy dishes to prep soon. I want to get back to where we were - where we can just grab a container out of the fridge, knowing it’s a good choice.  I was going to do frozen pizza tomorrow for Halloween, but I'll probably just cook a meal still since it will just be the 3 of us and I'll have time. 

I’ve also re-joined WW - online only.  But I want to get back to tracking. By looking at the information WW has out there, and the 2B Mindset information out there, I should have no trouble coming up with good ideas and sticking to logging my food, staying in points and making progress.

I’m tired of looking and feeling how I do, but I need to put forth more effort again to make a change. I need to stop letting the excuses of life get in my way or hold me back. I do this to myself. So it’s time to make a change and get the scale moving back down again.  I don't have much to say right now other than this is my plan.  I'll set goals for myself and try to keep this place more updated.  

Must remember: 


Monday, September 24, 2018

Hello Monday...

So another Monday.. another day to start the week off right...

Challenges for myself this week:
  1. Cut out caffeine
  2. Submit a progress weigh-in for my diet bet (annnnd actually make progress)
  3. Log everything - the good, the bad and the ugly
  4. Finish LIIFT 4 - we have 6 workouts left.  Who needs rest days?! 
  5. Figure out my plan for tackling my anxiety

So, quite a few challenges for the week, but what the hell, I'm game. Cut out caffeine: Hmm..they say caffeine doesn't help with anxiety. Go figure..  Gonna try to skip the coffee this week - and pop.  It'll just be good all around.  Submit a progress weigh in -- that part is no big deal -- the challenge will be to actually have made progress.  I weighed myself yesterday morning and {holy shit} I was up.  Friday and Saturday --- annnnnd Sunday were bad eating days. UGH. I suck.  But, no sense dwelling on it.  Just gotta move forward.  It was a great weekend, otherwise!!! Friends on Friday night. Friends on Saturday night.  Just a lot of laughs.  Well-needed! 

Log everything: So whether I'm 100% on track, or if I not only fall off the wagon, but let it plummet off a cliff and crash into a million pieces... I want to track it.  I want to own it and be accountable.  So I've started that today with my delicious bagel and cream cheese that someone brought in.  (yeah...)  While we're at it, I'll log the last of my workouts.  Let's finish LIIFT4 this week.  6 workouts to go - 7 days in the week.  We've got this!  

My biggest challenge is my anxiety.  I found myself standing in the supplement aisles of Fresh Thyme for quite some time on Saturday.  I was/am (??) planning on switching meds for my anxiety, but have also been trying to research more natural ways to manage anxiety and panic.  Trying to figure all this out is not a calming process LOL  Just trying to decide whether to start a new med right away or if I should try some supplements to see if they help first.  I know I'm going to cut that caffeine this week too.  I'd also like to try to (as I keep saying) get up early and do either some meditation or yoga for 20 min or so.  Sooo what to do!! What to do!?  Feel free to text or PM me if you wanna talk anxiety remedies :D 

I hope you all have an amazing week!  I'll try to post more often!


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Let's be real..

Okay - time for some accountability!  

We've been back from vacation for a week, so I've gotta pull it together!!! Eating has been out of control.  Side note: Vacation was AH-MAZING!!!  We got away... I left my insecurities at home... we were in the pool all.the.time... relaxed... partied... it was great!  Definitely something I needed. Some good ole vitamin D!

So today there's been donuts and chips and salsa at work and I've failed... lol  Last night we had pizza. There's been pop in the house which I've had... Just really gotta get it together and refocus.  We're gonna work on catching up on our LIIFT4 workouts.  Wanna complete it all and finish that program.   Trying to decide what to do next.  Part of me wants to do 80 DO again because 1) I want to really complete it -- not miss a bunch of days and not get things made up.  2) I think you really can get awesome results from it.  BUT then there is the part of me that says Autumn annoys the F out of me... and 6 days a week at an hour a workout is a LOT.  

So I dunno..  I gotta look at the other programs that BeachBody offers too.  Anyone have a favorite?  Almost caught up at work.  That's the worst part of vacation....falling behind at work... LOL  But I'll get there when I get there.  Ready to start planning another vacation. haha!!! Getting home to be with my girl was the best though.  Missed her tons.  School is off to a good start.  Can't believe she's in second grade.  Time really goes fast...need to make the most of every minute. 

So we kinda had a meal plan for the week - but it wasn't solid.  This weekend I want to really have everything written out like I did for 80 DO so that I stick to it.  Just prepping as much as I can and having containers ready to go really helps.  I also want to start reading my book - "You are a Badass" - or continue reading it really... after that I want to read "Girl, Wash Your Face."  Anyone have any other suggestions??  Okay, that's all for now!  Have a great Friday-Eve!!!
