Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Variety is the spice of life
I'm either being smart or stupid...yep, one of them...
So partly due to being frugal and partly due to thinking this is probably a smarter choice, from today through Saturday I'm going to be following Herbalife. Since I had already made some bad choices this week, and since on Saturday I will be eating "real" food at the fundraiser, I'm choosing to use up some of the HL we had in the cupboard {we still had SO much} I figure that it takes about 3 days to get into ketosis when you've been bad / eaten things other than what was approved and it sounded like a better idea to me to not waste my Better MD supplements.
The goal is still the same - to lose weight - I'm not giving up and stuffing my face with chips/cookies/candy etc. I'll be doing two shakes a day and a sensible dinner (or another shake). And I will get right back on with my Better MD supplements and VLCD on Sunday. Just seems like the best decision financially and dietwise.
It was weird packing food today. But I have my two shakes, a greek yogurt, string cheese, cashews and a banana and apple. Gonna have some HL tea soon too. I'm glad it's Wednesday, but I wish it was Friday :)
Hope everyone has a great day!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Sorry guys...
I had pizza last night....oh, and some chocolate....
I know, I know...stupid decision. It might seem weird, but sometimes I just need to feel like I have a I have some control. Honestly, it {the pizza} wasn't even that great. It was good, but I do actually feel kinda bad about it. So I suppose that's good. lol Now the chocolate was just because I had really been wanting some since Easter, and since I already was bad........ ya know. But still. The chocolate was amazing...
Anyhow - I've got all my supplements for today. It's such a rainy, yucky day out. I just wanna sleep for a couple more hours today. So I debated on not posting today - for obvious reasons - but everyone should know that they can screw up and change things around the next day :)
So good luck to everyone restarting or facing any challenges today :)
P.S. Any bets on how long it will take Kelly to yell at me???
I had pizza last night....oh, and some chocolate....
I know, I know...stupid decision. It might seem weird, but sometimes I just need to feel like I have a I have some control. Honestly, it {the pizza} wasn't even that great. It was good, but I do actually feel kinda bad about it. So I suppose that's good. lol Now the chocolate was just because I had really been wanting some since Easter, and since I already was bad........ ya know. But still. The chocolate was amazing...
Anyhow - I've got all my supplements for today. It's such a rainy, yucky day out. I just wanna sleep for a couple more hours today. So I debated on not posting today - for obvious reasons - but everyone should know that they can screw up and change things around the next day :)
So good luck to everyone restarting or facing any challenges today :)
P.S. Any bets on how long it will take Kelly to yell at me???
Monday, April 28, 2014
My first perfect weekend....ever?
Might be! LOL That's with a birthday party in the mix too.
From yesterday to today I was up half a pound --- that's what I get for my compulsive weighing. It's a bummer because I know I only ate 470 calories --- I skipped one supplement...doubt that had anything to do with it, but still, not fun to see the scale go up even a little when you know you were perfect. Anyhow - other than moodiness I was fine. I really am more moody with this diet. Like WAY more. And in the back of my mind I know this isn't the healthiest way of losing the weight. But, if I can get to 199 by doing the VLCD I may switch to the mid plan and start incorporating "real" food. I remember from orientation that that one still utilizes the supplements, but I don't recall how much.
So talking numbers, from Wednesday when I was up to 248.1, I'm back down to 245.3. From a week ago today though, I'm only down a half a pound. lol Darn fluctuations! I'm super tired today and my head is hurting a bit from my sinuses. It really sucks. Don't feel like being at work - but who does on a Monday especially!?
I was totally going to stop at the gas station for a Monster this morning....and I forgot!! GASP! I did bring a Dr. Zevia ... basically a diet pop that has no sugar or artificial sweeteners. It is sweetened with erythritol which I didn't look up til today but it sounds pretty good -- much better than those fake sweeteners. {Note: this is only the first page I found -- I haven't done extensive research --- and I'm sure that water is totally better!}
Events going on this weekend that will be challenging:
- My neices actual birthday - hanging out for dinner and cake (which I will have none *siiiigh*)
- Date night - bowling fun!!
- AARDA Derby Luncheon - fundraiser that the ladies in my family have been going to for years. I do plan on enjoying the luncheon -- typically has been chicken breast, salad and veggies.
- Game night (UGH!!) It's the same day as the luncheon...
Soooooo it will be a little tough. But I'll do my best. Can I just say, all I want (at the moment) is steak. I surely would've settled for pizza yesterday, but what I really wanted was an awesomely grilled steak. It's the little things. hahahaha
Anyhow --- just wanted to make sure I gave an update after the weekend to let you all know that I behaved.
<3 Katie
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Today I...
....did not have pizza...did not have cupcakes....didn't have burgers or hot dogs and I survived!
I did have a hard boiled egg but skipped out on one of my supplements so I think it should balance out. I don't think there are really any carbs in eggs if I'm remembering correctly and it had less calories than my shakes.
Had a great time at Olivia's birthday party today. It was at a state park where they had riding stables so all the kids got to ride horses. So cute. Claire loved it!! And today marked our third day of no accidents! So there is really truth to that three day method -- but I love that she woke up one day ready to do it. As much as it's amazing to not have to deal with diapers, it's still a little sad that she's growing up so quickly. In just over a month she'll be 3... I just love her to pieces :)
Tomorrow shouldn't be a hard day. I've got an origami owl party which will be fun! Because of that, I'm missing another birthday party so at least I won't have that food temptation!! It's crazy how much food can tie to our emotions. It's kinda sad that I get cranky just thinking about the food I can't have....which yes, is just about everything - lol - but still. I still eat. I still am getting the nutrients and fuel my body needs but our world (at least our country) just is so used to over indulging and eating for fun that emotions really get tied into it. It's like, dang an ice cream cone or a cupcake would make me really happy -- and it really shouldn't.
Anyhow, I feel like I'm just rambling now and I'm typing on my phone so I don't want to risk losing everything I've already typed...(happened before) so have a good night!!
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Ya know...
....the worst part of your husband reading your blog is that he holds you accountable for what you say in it.... you babe... but seriously, as most evenings go, that's where i lost it. All I wanted was Slice of the 80s......their pizza is delicous and I could totally go for some cheese bread. Yes. I know. Horrible for me. I probably would've gained 5 lbs overnight. But he's like "No way. You have to stay accountable like you said in your blog." Damnit! But thanks to him, I'm down a pound today.
26 lbs gone. I haven't been this *light* since September. I'm getting there. So last night I couldn't sleep for crap. OMG. I swear I tossed and turned and then was wide awake from 2-4:30 or so...UGH. All I wanted was to take some Nyquil at 3 a.m. but I knew nothing good (except sleep) would come of that. If I think I'm tired now, I would've been zombie tired had I taken anything.
I feel like my blog has to be kinda (probably really!) boring for people to read. SORRY! It's not like I can share recipes or food ideas....It'd be like "Today, I took a packet of pudding, and mixed it with 4 1/2 ounces of water for a thinner pudding...oooooohhhh" LOL Sorry guys. But I really appreciate all the support - it seriously means the world to me. Some people have said they're shocked with how honest I am -- to me, the scale is a number...a number I don't want to see is what it is, so I don't have a problem sharing it.. I'm working on it. I know some people are going through the same struggles with weight as I am....the same issues with food.....the same troubles staying motivated, so all I want to do is maybe be a little inspiration or motivation for someone... I know I have a coworker who was complimenting me this morning - she said, "now I need to do it!" I'm very's sucks...but I know it'll be worth it! If I feel better after 26 will I feel after 50 lbs are gone? After 100 lbs?! I'm so excited to find out.
Do I struggle? Yes!! Do I complain? Yes! Do I want to give up? NO!
A big shout out to Steve and Kelly for being my biggest (and strictest) cheerleaders -- and a big thank you to everyone who reads this, likes & comments, relates, or is in the same boat. Love you guys!! Seriously :)
-- Katie you babe... but seriously, as most evenings go, that's where i lost it. All I wanted was Slice of the 80s......their pizza is delicous and I could totally go for some cheese bread. Yes. I know. Horrible for me. I probably would've gained 5 lbs overnight. But he's like "No way. You have to stay accountable like you said in your blog." Damnit! But thanks to him, I'm down a pound today.
26 lbs gone. I haven't been this *light* since September. I'm getting there. So last night I couldn't sleep for crap. OMG. I swear I tossed and turned and then was wide awake from 2-4:30 or so...UGH. All I wanted was to take some Nyquil at 3 a.m. but I knew nothing good (except sleep) would come of that. If I think I'm tired now, I would've been zombie tired had I taken anything.
I feel like my blog has to be kinda (probably really!) boring for people to read. SORRY! It's not like I can share recipes or food ideas....It'd be like "Today, I took a packet of pudding, and mixed it with 4 1/2 ounces of water for a thinner pudding...oooooohhhh" LOL Sorry guys. But I really appreciate all the support - it seriously means the world to me. Some people have said they're shocked with how honest I am -- to me, the scale is a number...a number I don't want to see is what it is, so I don't have a problem sharing it.. I'm working on it. I know some people are going through the same struggles with weight as I am....the same issues with food.....the same troubles staying motivated, so all I want to do is maybe be a little inspiration or motivation for someone... I know I have a coworker who was complimenting me this morning - she said, "now I need to do it!" I'm very's sucks...but I know it'll be worth it! If I feel better after 26 will I feel after 50 lbs are gone? After 100 lbs?! I'm so excited to find out.
Do I struggle? Yes!! Do I complain? Yes! Do I want to give up? NO!
A big shout out to Steve and Kelly for being my biggest (and strictest) cheerleaders -- and a big thank you to everyone who reads this, likes & comments, relates, or is in the same boat. Love you guys!! Seriously :)
-- Katie
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Lesson learned...just remind me!
Hmmm....who knew that 2 or 3 days of careless eating would be so detrimental....ummmm yeah, I guess common sense would've told me that. Boo.
Weighed myself in this morning and I'm less than a pound lighter than last Wednesday :( Boo!!! These little hiccups are not a good thing.....I need to be more in control!!!
I'lltry to go today with only some raw veggies if I need it, in addition to my supplements. I am having some coffee with sugar free creamer this morning. This weekend the only real tempation should be Saturday for my neice's birthday --- BUT my plan is to avoid any pizza AND *sigh* cupcakes and stay 100% on track. So, do me a favor and remind me of this on Saturday you guys!!! Mkay? So here's where I am right now:

I'm getting close to that half way mark. I'm also down to about 73 days to reach my 199 goal. I need to stay more committed!! I will be SO proud of myself if I can do this. Okay - so 13.1 lbs to go until my first goal -- 235...... I'm giving myself until May 7th to get there....that's 3 weeks. Goals... I think that's what I need.... Little goals along the way to help get me to the sunshine at the end of my ticker :)
Always Remember Your Why
Why I'm doing this...
*To be healthy
*To live longer
*To be an active mom
*To retrain my body/mind
*To set a great example for my daughter so she doesn't have to go through these struggles
*To fit into smaller clothes
*To look better
*To prove to myself that I CAN
Of course there's more goals/whys but I'll leave it at that today.
What day is it???? HUMP DAY! Have a good one, guys!
Weighed myself in this morning and I'm less than a pound lighter than last Wednesday :( Boo!!! These little hiccups are not a good thing.....I need to be more in control!!!
Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter
Always Remember Your Why
Why I'm doing this...
*To be healthy
*To live longer
*To be an active mom
*To retrain my body/mind
*To set a great example for my daughter so she doesn't have to go through these struggles
*To fit into smaller clothes
*To look better
*To prove to myself that I CAN
Of course there's more goals/whys but I'll leave it at that today.
What day is it???? HUMP DAY! Have a good one, guys!
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
So yesterday I was good up until dinner. I decided to have leftovers. And then dessert.....
Perfection - that is what today will be - I don't really feel bad for yesterday though..... that's
Can I just say I'm frustrated with my body --- girl stuff -- I won't go into detail but I'm really sure this diet messes with your hormones and cycles. That's the downfall. But worth it if you consider all the good -- pounds lost, feeling better, being healthier... Guess I can deal :)
A while back, I had found this quote / photo on Pinterest. I really like it. It's a great reminder that yeah, this is gonna be hard and suck, but with each day you get closer to to your goal it's totally worth it!
I didn't become a 100+ lbs overweight in a day, a week, a month or even a year. It took time to pack on the pounds. I can't undo it all in one day or month either. This diet is giving me an opportunity though... I could totally undo the weight within a year. Completely doable if I give it my complete dedication. Of course, throughout this journey I still need to retrain my mind and body. I can't just live and eat the same way I did or I'll just regain it all again. And what I've found is that when I regain weight, I tend to put more on than I started with. I need to make a conscious effort to change. No, I'm not perfect, but I need to work at being as perfect as I can be. I cheated on Easter - I should've been better yesterday and stuck to eating my supplements and not let the craving for that delicious food do me in.
Summer is getting closer... our calendar is filling up... there's going to be parties, celebrations, events and outings and I really need to remember my goals. Each day I do well and stick to this plan - my goals will be more within reach, and each decision I make to ignore my plan is like a wasted opportunity.
Had my Monster this morning and feeling good!! (Oh, I needed some Speedway points, so I picked up another Monster...) Gotta do what you gotta do!! I'm so close to 30 lbs lost. Let's get this done!!!
Okay - tomorrow I'll face the music and step on the scale. I realize I may be up from Saturday when I was 245.8 but if I'm super diligent today (which I will be!!) we will see. Hope everyone has a great day!
<3 Katie
Monday, April 21, 2014
Hellllo Monday!
Okay - back to reality today! Yesterday was full of indulgences...but it was a beautiful, fun-filled day with family. Here's a pic of our dinner:
Everything was amazing - and yes, Iprobably ate more than I should have. Starting my morning off with my last Monster *tear* *sniffle* And I have a shake ready to go. I'll probably try to not weigh until Wednesday. I'll try to get some extra steps in and burn some extra cals. I know I should've been better, but I'm okay with the decisions I made :) I didn't have any alcohol or any drinks with calories. So that's a plus!!! :)
I wish I could catch a break from this sinus/allergy/cold stuff --- I don't know what it is, but I'm congested like crazy and it's super annoying. I know a lot of people are going through the same thing, so I guess it's just our Michigan weather. Lovely!! I hope everyone had a great Easter and weekend in general.
Feeling good today, hope that lasts all day!!
Everything was amazing - and yes, I
I wish I could catch a break from this sinus/allergy/cold stuff --- I don't know what it is, but I'm congested like crazy and it's super annoying. I know a lot of people are going through the same thing, so I guess it's just our Michigan weather. Lovely!! I hope everyone had a great Easter and weekend in general.
Feeling good today, hope that lasts all day!!
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Well today wasn't perfect like I had planned. Also had some wine that I really don't think my stomach liked lol but had a great time with my mom, stepdad and little sis ;) great food and great company :)
Last night we had fun dying Easter eggs! Tonight the Easter bunny comes! How exciting!
Just a quick pic to show jan to April progress - and I wasn't my heaviest in jan so that's pretty good!!!
Happy Easter guys!!
❤️ Katie
Friday, April 18, 2014
Proud of myself!!
Im now down 26 lbs - and all because I am strong. :) If I weren't, I would've had a cupcake at work yesterday.....who are we kidding, at least 2..... If I weren't I would've joined in for dinner at my sister in laws - oh and raided her fridge for that bumpy cake cheesecake that's still in there!! I can do this :) I'm so happy to be making progress. Hopefully by my next appt (2wks) I'll be in the 230s. Just a quick update for you all!!
-- Katie
Thursday, April 17, 2014
It's basically Friday!!!
No work tomorrow! Woot woot!
Yesterday I did good - I stuck to supplements and some veggies!! I weighed this morning and let it lock in -- I figure it'll be better for me to remember that I'm not perfect, and my actions do cause results. But this way I see that I can make a little detour and jump right back on track!! So I might have a little hiccup in my downward trend, but I've got this! I was 249.3 -- so not too bad!
Today's menu is basically a repeat of yesterday LOL Go figure! C didn't sleep so hot last night, so neither did I. I can't believe that in just over a month she's going to be 3!! This is so crazy. I'm so happy that I'm making positive changes in my life though so that I can be here longer for her!! She deserves it :)
So I've been doing this 30 day squat challenge --- holy owwww! Today will be day 3 and can I just say that I am feeling it!! Today will be 60 squats --- thankfully they don't have to be consecutive or I would die. LOL Any how - have a good day guys!
<3 Katie
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Morning all!
How is it that we go from mid 70 degree gorgeous weather on Sunday to a good inch or two of snow and highs of 30.... Craziness. I can only imagine what our summer will be like.
So in all honesty, I've been struggling. Ugh. I briefly stepped on the scale this morning, but stepped off before it could lock in a weight (so it wouldn't sync to MFP) That's sad, I know. But I don't want to see my downward trend go up ----- is that cheating?! Anywho - I needed to see it. I needed it to be real so that I get my butt in gear and don't eat anything off plan today. I need to be back. I haven't put myself through hell for nothing. I'm not going to let my hard work go to waste. I have got too many people rooting for me that I can't let anyone down. That's one of the biggest issues I have --- I hate disappointing people, or feeling like I might. In some sense, that's a good thing, but sometimes it backfires and I get weak. I know it probably doesn't make sense, but sometimes I freak out about not succeeding while I'm really trying, so I sabatoge myself and just say screw it and screw up on purpose. It doesn't make sense. It's confusing. But I have heard other people say similar things, so I know I'm not the only odd one. :)
So today's menu --- gotta stay strong!!!!
Monster - check!
Sweet & Salty Peanut Bar - check!
Snack - Chocolate Pudding
Lunch - Cheesesteak Pasta
Snack - Chocolate Shake
Dinner - Mocha Shake
Okay, so I for sure have today, tomorrow and Friday. Saturday we're doing an early dinner at my mom's. My sis is cooking and planned her menu around me so I should be able to eat veggies and stay on track! Tonight we're gonna go shopping for Easter dinner. I'm not making promises about staying on track that day....but I'll try not to be crazy!!
I got a FitBit Flex from my mom as an early bday gift!! It's so cute - and going to help me be more active. I'll start shooting for the 10K steps/day goal. Yesterday I didn't do anything special and was under 5K. So I'll really need to step up my game. I cannot wait for the warm weather to come back and walk with Claire and the dogs. I'm hoping the weather is nice on Friday and C and I will spend my day off doing something fun!!!
Okay guys - I'm gonna try not to disappoint anyone today. I'm shooting for perfection - let's take it one day at a time.
<3 Katie
How is it that we go from mid 70 degree gorgeous weather on Sunday to a good inch or two of snow and highs of 30.... Craziness. I can only imagine what our summer will be like.
So in all honesty, I've been struggling. Ugh. I briefly stepped on the scale this morning, but stepped off before it could lock in a weight (so it wouldn't sync to MFP) That's sad, I know. But I don't want to see my downward trend go up ----- is that cheating?! Anywho - I needed to see it. I needed it to be real so that I get my butt in gear and don't eat anything off plan today. I need to be back. I haven't put myself through hell for nothing. I'm not going to let my hard work go to waste. I have got too many people rooting for me that I can't let anyone down. That's one of the biggest issues I have --- I hate disappointing people, or feeling like I might. In some sense, that's a good thing, but sometimes it backfires and I get weak. I know it probably doesn't make sense, but sometimes I freak out about not succeeding while I'm really trying, so I sabatoge myself and just say screw it and screw up on purpose. It doesn't make sense. It's confusing. But I have heard other people say similar things, so I know I'm not the only odd one. :)
So today's menu --- gotta stay strong!!!!
Monster - check!
Sweet & Salty Peanut Bar - check!
Snack - Chocolate Pudding
Lunch - Cheesesteak Pasta
Snack - Chocolate Shake
Dinner - Mocha Shake
Okay, so I for sure have today, tomorrow and Friday. Saturday we're doing an early dinner at my mom's. My sis is cooking and planned her menu around me so I should be able to eat veggies and stay on track! Tonight we're gonna go shopping for Easter dinner. I'm not making promises about staying on track that day....but I'll try not to be crazy!!
I got a FitBit Flex from my mom as an early bday gift!! It's so cute - and going to help me be more active. I'll start shooting for the 10K steps/day goal. Yesterday I didn't do anything special and was under 5K. So I'll really need to step up my game. I cannot wait for the warm weather to come back and walk with Claire and the dogs. I'm hoping the weather is nice on Friday and C and I will spend my day off doing something fun!!!
Okay guys - I'm gonna try not to disappoint anyone today. I'm shooting for perfection - let's take it one day at a time.
<3 Katie
Monday, April 14, 2014
Weekends really aren't my thing....
Man oh man.. Sometimes I wish we were just homebodies who did nothing on the weekends. It would be so much easier for me to stay on track!!! We are just always go go go and that makes it hard.
Saturday was dodgeball. Lots of fun!! I'm still feeling the soreness of my muscles :) So my cheats on Saturday were two 90 cal granola bars and an extra protein bar supplement, and then a pineapple upside down cake martini (omg sooooo freaking good) and *sigh* fish and chips.
Yesterday was worse. Started the day with my shake, but then we wound up going out to lunch, had an unhealthy dinner and *double sigh* a slice of Bumpy Cake Cheesecake --- but holy crap that was fantastic!
So I know I need to be better. I really need to stop these cheats. I know I likely won't be perfect Saturday and Sunday because of Easter. It's so hard looking at our calendar. We have some kind of outing or event going on every weekend until June 14th - and that's Father's Day weekend, so we probably will be doing something. And after that, we have a date night planned and then the following weekend is a family trip....and then 4th of July...and the list goes on and on. This is insane. I really need to up my activity and my self control. I need to learn to just to accept that maybe I miss out, or look out of place, but it's okay to just have my supplements...even if we're out and about.
Annnnnyhow....back to the grind. I'm on track. Again. I probably won't weigh until Wednesday. At least I never claim to be perfect by a long shot (and I never will!) LOL
Saturday was dodgeball. Lots of fun!! I'm still feeling the soreness of my muscles :) So my cheats on Saturday were two 90 cal granola bars and an extra protein bar supplement, and then a pineapple upside down cake martini (omg sooooo freaking good) and *sigh* fish and chips.
Yesterday was worse. Started the day with my shake, but then we wound up going out to lunch, had an unhealthy dinner and *double sigh* a slice of Bumpy Cake Cheesecake --- but holy crap that was fantastic!
So I know I need to be better. I really need to stop these cheats. I know I likely won't be perfect Saturday and Sunday because of Easter. It's so hard looking at our calendar. We have some kind of outing or event going on every weekend until June 14th - and that's Father's Day weekend, so we probably will be doing something. And after that, we have a date night planned and then the following weekend is a family trip....and then 4th of July...and the list goes on and on. This is insane. I really need to up my activity and my self control. I need to learn to just to accept that maybe I miss out, or look out of place, but it's okay to just have my supplements...even if we're out and about.
Annnnnyhow....back to the grind. I'm on track. Again. I probably won't weigh until Wednesday. At least I never claim to be perfect by a long shot (and I never will!) LOL
Friday, April 11, 2014
Heck Yeah!!
Starting the weekend off right ---- look what I saw today!!!!!!!!!
OH YES!!! So yesterday I was super good. Stuck to 600 cals on the dot. Other than my supplements, all I had was some baby carrots and a pickle! No roasted veggies with EVOO and seasoning. I'm so happy. That much closer to my first goal. Just under 14 lbs to go to my first goal!!! I can and WILL do this. I am so glad that it is Friday. This weekend will be fun. Tomorrow we have a dodgeball tournament. So that will be cals burned!! Sunday we'll be seeing the Easter Bunny!
So yesterday I met with my WL coach. She told me all my bloodwork from 3 weeks ago came back fine which I knew already. She was concerned that my sodium might be too low with the amount of water I drink, but it wasn't. She asked how I was doing with water now and I told her I probably drink a little less, but I'm not keeping track. lol Honestly, with the diet drinks I've been drinking - be it Monster or diet coke or whatever, that's probably keeping my sodium levels in check. But she was happy with my loss. I don't like weighing fully clothes towards the end of the day though. On their scale I was 254 which was only a 5 lb loss from the week previous. I don't think she did the math, because 5 lbs in three weeks on this isn't so hot. BUT, whatever. I did tell her I was sick and taking dayquil for a week or so (and she didn't realize that there were cals and carbs in it either!!) and that I had a couple bad eating days.
So I'm just going to try to work on getting out and walking now that it's getting nice out. This week is going to be an awesome loss. I feel it. TGIF :)
<3 Katie <3
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Yes, I'm a compulsive weigher - but seriously, it's good for me. It helps. But ohmygosh I was so hoping to see 249.9 today but nooooo 250.4. Allllmost there. I am going to do my best to avoid roasting any veggies today. If I feel that I need the optional veggies, I need to do it raw or at least with no evoo and really watch my portion. Tonight is my appointment with the WL coach. I really think it'll just be "Everything going well? Okay. Let's weigh you and take your BP - have a good day!" lol But we'll see. All I know is that I would like a nap right now. :) Tomorrow is FRIDAY! I'm very happy for that!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Liking this trend
My weight chart is still going in a nice downward direction. I like it.
I'm happy that it doesn't so much look like a regular heart beat anymore. I'm happy that even though I've slipped, I've gotten back up. This weekend I will be ah-mazing. We have a Dodgeball tournament on Saturday so I'm sure I'll be burning burning burning fat!! I just need to make sure I bring enough supplements with me so I don't pass out or anything. haha But there should be more girls on the team this year, so we shouldn't be in every single round. It'll be fun. Maybe we'll rock it this year and be able to stay in longer! Tomorrow I meet with the WL coach. I know I haven't lost as much as I should've since last time I had seen her. Part of that was being sick and the dayquil for a week and a half or so - and part was bad eating. I'll be seeing the 240's any day now --- today was 250.8....soooo close. I'm shooting for a 5 lb week this week. By next Wednesday (the 16th) I want to be 245!!!! Let's do this!!!
I'm happy that it doesn't so much look like a regular heart beat anymore. I'm happy that even though I've slipped, I've gotten back up. This weekend I will be ah-mazing. We have a Dodgeball tournament on Saturday so I'm sure I'll be burning burning burning fat!! I just need to make sure I bring enough supplements with me so I don't pass out or anything. haha But there should be more girls on the team this year, so we shouldn't be in every single round. It'll be fun. Maybe we'll rock it this year and be able to stay in longer! Tomorrow I meet with the WL coach. I know I haven't lost as much as I should've since last time I had seen her. Part of that was being sick and the dayquil for a week and a half or so - and part was bad eating. I'll be seeing the 240's any day now --- today was 250.8....soooo close. I'm shooting for a 5 lb week this week. By next Wednesday (the 16th) I want to be 245!!!! Let's do this!!!
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
This is what I get for going off plan. My hunger is through.the.roof!! Last night was bad - I felt SO hungry and this morning is starting out the same. I know it will take a couple days to get back to where I could take or leave eating. But I'm gonna be perfect today. I had to have an extra bar yesterday and some veggies - but stayed on track. It was another rough night sleep wise, so I'm exhausted, but I'm gonna be focused today!! Had my protien chips for breakfast - followed up with a dose of caffiene. I'll wait til 10 or so to have a shake. Tomorrow is Wednesday. I did weigh today just to kinda prep myself and reinforce what I need to do. I was down from Friday - but barely. BUT I will be down more tomorrow!! So it's all good. I don't know what the WL coach will say on Thursday when I have my appointment and weigh, but we'll see. I'm human. I make mistakes. But I still brush myself off and get right back on.
Happy Tuesday!
<3 Katie
Happy Tuesday!
<3 Katie
Monday, April 7, 2014
So I tried typing this yesterday on my phone and it closed out on me and didn't save I'm like, sweet...."I tried"... lol... but I gotta be honest. Saturday was awful. Like seriously I lost control. It started off fine with a chocolate pudding - but then we went to the movies and I had a little popcorn, then we went out to lunch (because I was just dying for Red Robin), and then once I was alone for the night it was like freeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom. Not smart on my part at all. So I wound up having a little (ah, maybe more than a little) breakdown yesterday, but all in all did good eating wise.
I gotta remember this. That's one of the biggest things I struggle with. I don't see myself as at all. Even with losing 20 lbs in a month.....being able to get by and stick to 600 cals a day....seriously woman, wake up --- you are strong. My husband keeps trying to tell me --- so do other people who love me --- but I gotta start believing it.
Starting my day with my Monster. (Yeah, sleep was pretty crappy last night!!) Todays meals: Pizza protien chips, banana shake, nacho cheese pasta, chocolate pudding, mocha shake
Here's to a positive day!
--- Katie
Starting my day with my Monster. (Yeah, sleep was pretty crappy last night!!) Todays meals: Pizza protien chips, banana shake, nacho cheese pasta, chocolate pudding, mocha shake
Here's to a positive day!
--- Katie
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Oooh Ahhhh
The perfect way to start the day!
Can you believe my husband was aware that Sams club had a variety pack of the ultras and didn't tell me?! I can. LOL But my keen eye caught a glimpse last night and swooped it into our cart. Yesterday was a good day again :) Annnnd I didn't weigh this morning. So one of my May Mom's said yesterday that I had lost nearly 20 lbs in a month.......It really didn't sink in until I read her comment -- that's pretty impressive!! I know last week I barely had a loss, but still - in total, just about 20 lbs!!
I'm shooting for 18 lbs this month. 1 week from today I got back to the medical center to weigh in. Hopefully she'll be happy with my progress :) I just need to stay perfect alllllll week and I'll do great. I haven't been to the gym, but I have been walking. To me, it seems silly to drive a half hour round trip to walk at a moderate speed on a treadmill or elliptical for 30 minutes. With it getting warmer, I think I may cancel my gym membership since they really don't want me doing much of anything on so few calories and just work on getting out and walking with the family and our dogs. And then maybe when I'm back on real food and more maintenace, maybe we'll be able to justify Lifetime - the gym of gyms around here .... actually they probably would rather be called a fitness center or something fancier like that!
Well today is Thursday -- almost to the weekend!! Yipppeee!
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Soooo close to 20 lbs down!
Did my official weigh in (my own, not at the medical center) today -- I was down 1.7 lbs from yesterday, so 1.9 lbs for the week. I'll take it. So more motivation to stay good. Yesterday night all I wanted was Thai and wine - or mexican - or pizza..... Steve stayed strong and told me no. LOL Poor guy has to deal with me at my worst. I'm so pumped and motivated all day long, until 4 or 5 o'clock hits...and then I just want to stuff my face with carbs.

I really wish these tickers wouldn't round up -- to me, I'd rather see 19 lbs until I actually get to 20.... but that's me. So I'm really at 19.5 lbs. Hopefully next week it'll say at least 24!! Just chugging along. I found a FB group for VLCD and so I joined that. I don't think anyone is doing the BetterMd, but I figure a lot of the programs are probably similar so it can't hurt to find some people with similar struggles and successes.
My day almost started off with a hiccup --- the pop machine didn't give me my diet pepsi! It told me no credit. GASP. I wasdisappointed mad. So I went back to my desk, wrote up my slip asking for a refund and went to tape it on the machine, and then *poof* it worked. So no worries, the day is good.
Gonna be another good day -- who thinks I can hold out to Wednesday to weigh all while being perfect with my food???? UGH - I don't know that I have confidence in myself to stay off the scale. LOL But again, I will try.
~*~ Have a great day ~*~
Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter
I really wish these tickers wouldn't round up -- to me, I'd rather see 19 lbs until I actually get to 20.... but that's me. So I'm really at 19.5 lbs. Hopefully next week it'll say at least 24!! Just chugging along. I found a FB group for VLCD and so I joined that. I don't think anyone is doing the BetterMd, but I figure a lot of the programs are probably similar so it can't hurt to find some people with similar struggles and successes.
My day almost started off with a hiccup --- the pop machine didn't give me my diet pepsi! It told me no credit. GASP. I was
Gonna be another good day -- who thinks I can hold out to Wednesday to weigh all while being perfect with my food???? UGH - I don't know that I have confidence in myself to stay off the scale. LOL But again, I will try.
~*~ Have a great day ~*~
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Still moving in the right direction!
So I couldn't wait til tomorrow to face the music of the scale -- actually was down 0.2 so at least it was a loss!! I'm happy. I'm done with my dayquil and just have my zyrtec and z pack so I should be good to go! We're gonna see at least a 5 lb loss by the 9th -- I'm feeling it!! I cannot believe that it's already April -- this is so crazy. This month will be my neice's 3rd birthday, next month will be C's and then right after that will be mine --- that's a lot of cake to try to avoid. LOL
I did not want to get out of bed this morning --- the gray/raininess didn't help. But soon enough we'll be to another weekend :) This morning I had a caramel crunch bar, and then I've got shakes for my snacks and lunch. Dinner, I think I'll make some chicken soup. Just going to try to be ultra disciplined. One of the girls here put Reeses Eggs on her desk for the taking --- HOW RUDE. lol I'm feeling a little off today, but I'm guessing it's just the change in weather.
Just making sure you guys know I'm still here. I'm hoping to find more people who are doing VLCD to keep in touch with. I figure that can only help :)
I did not want to get out of bed this morning --- the gray/raininess didn't help. But soon enough we'll be to another weekend :) This morning I had a caramel crunch bar, and then I've got shakes for my snacks and lunch. Dinner, I think I'll make some chicken soup. Just going to try to be ultra disciplined. One of the girls here put Reeses Eggs on her desk for the taking --- HOW RUDE. lol I'm feeling a little off today, but I'm guessing it's just the change in weather.
Just making sure you guys know I'm still here. I'm hoping to find more people who are doing VLCD to keep in touch with. I figure that can only help :)
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