Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Today is brought to you by the letter D in DON'T you DARE eat these Donuts... wtf people.  Actually they don't even look good...or sound yay!

Between the donuts, candy, breads, and everything else that people just like to bring in and dump on everyone else, this place will always be tough.  I sit right next to a candy dish full of GOOD candy.... not like the mints and hard candies your grandma pulls out of the bottom of her purse.  Instead I'll just sit here and drink my tea and water and be all like 

It's all good though.  I'm feeling great. I feel like I'm making good choices and really on to something here.  Yesterday was a fantastic day.  I stayed within my limits/goals for my macros.  I walked a bit and got over 8000 steps in.  I wasn't tempted by chips & dip and beer.  I did good!!  Proud of myself...and that means a lot.  I know today is only day 2 but I'm really trying to keep a positive attitude.

I started my day off with some ham and 2 hard boiled eggs.  I was feeling a little off so I did have some of my pumpkin seeds and pecans.  Lunch will be tuna salad on top of spinach.  Should be good!! The plan for dinner is steak and asparagus.  Gotta love it! :-D 

I hope everyone has a great day!
xoxo Katie

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

2 months later...

WOW - so it's been 2 months since I've blogged. I'd love to rave about the progress I've made, the challenges I've overcome, buuuut not so much.

I really haven't changed any weight wise.  Today I'm starting LCHF (low carb, high fat) - Atkins-ish.  Giving it a go, to see how it works for me.  I did Atkins back in college...twice.  The first time, it worked great - I lost and felt great.  The second time, I didn't really stick to it long because I was feeling sick.  Sooo we'll see. I of course didn't prep the right way yesterday. Instead, I loaded up on sugar and junk. I mean, it WAS just Easter....the carrot cake, candies, creme brule... oh MY! So today I'm starving. But loading up on water and tea.

Here's the starting number.  Goodbye!  I know some of that is from all the garbage yesterday, but I'm using it as my starting point.  I want to see how far I can come in 60 days.  Get me close to my birthday.  I would like to see the 260s.  With this approach, it's doable.  I belong to some FB groups, and just the photos, stories and everything are so inspirational.

I'm also going to really try to work on that confidence issue I know, the nonexistence of it.  I put makeup on today!  It's not always something I do for going to work....but I think that may help. It's one of those little things that makes a difference on how you look at yourself.  Just that, may give me a little boost to start my morning. So I took some "before" pics. Hopefully, as we go along, we will see some great progress. Nothing like bathroom selfies to start the morning off right ;)

Not feeling glamourous, but feeling good.  I'm tired of being tired - tired of my knees hurting - tired of the fears that come from being this overweight.  I've known I've needed to do this for a long time. I've tried. I've succeeded. I've failed. But I need to do this for me.  For my daughter. For my life. So I'm ready. Ready to embark on this. Ready to ignore the candy dish. Ready to have energy and the desire to do more. Ready to lose 100 lbs.

As I go on, I'll blog more about what this "WOE" (way of eating--- fancy way of saying diet) entails and what the struggles are.  It took me a while to get lunch together today just because I was looking up carbs and nutrition info.  I'm sure I'll get used it though. I'm going to print up some Atkins cheat sheets so I know what some good zero carb snacks are.

Until next time -
xoxo Katie