Saturday, December 7, 2013

Head hurts like WHOA!

Wow oh wow. So I've been rocking this headache I've taken meds, a nap, nothing has helped. 

I haven't eaten much today so I guess that's good. So I think I'm done with the carb challenge - it's messing me up in the head and I'm making really bad decisions lol I'll figure something out for next week tho.

Today I had pancakes for breakfast and then make the spaghetti squash Mac & cheese for dinner. I added onion and mushroom to it and it was fantastic!!! Had some pineapple and wine too ;)

So I must tell you - even though I kinda  throwing the low carb restriction out the window, I did make some good choices today -- the squash and these freaking awesome healthy crackers!!!! Okay so it wasn't myyyy recipe but it needs to be shared. You NEED to make NOW. Don't just stand there!!

Recipe from:

So I took a cup of flax seed, 1/3 c parmisan cheese, garlic powder, salt and 1/2 c water. I actually added more water and mine weren't super crispy - so next time I'll just stick with the recipe. Basically, mix together, rolled out on some parchment paper (I used wax paper on top to help me roll it out thing) and then bake for 18 min at 400 degrees. So easy. Super healthy. And everyone in this house loves them!!

Sorry the pic is from after we dug into it😉
So when I told Kelly that I made them, she took my lead and you tell this text, do you think she liked them too??? 
Hahahaha she just might need to work on her enthusiasm 😜

Alrighty - just wanted to make sure we spread the word on these "flaxkers" :) 

Night guys!!

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