We did have Chicago over the weekend and I didn't make good choices. I didn't intend to. I fully intended to eat pizza, eat everything at the brunch buffet, and not worry about 'healthy' only. I ate too much. Drank regular pop. And did feel a bit gross after. But it was good... I was obviously up on the scale yesterday, but back down a bit today. I got everything in check and we even did the AWFUL Cardio Flow Sunday night. [Another one that I REALLY did not want to do] Inchworms will be the death of me. They are SO.HARD. I made it pretty much through the first set of all the moves before I broke down.....still one move I haven't attempted because I don't get it and haven't stopped to teach myself it outside of the rush of the workout... I'll try to do that before Saturday.
Yesterday I put together a meal plan for our week. We're back on track. I'm not having any peanut butter fudge that's here today either - WIN. Staying on top of my water. I've got this.

After this weekend we'll take measurements again and see the progress we've made so far. With phase 2 comes new exercises I think. It'll be a nice change of pace....although if I'm remembering correctly, I believe the one I hate most - cardio flow - stays the same, just adds more reps. FML!!!!
Okay wonderful people - just wanted to give an update and make sure you knew I was still going strong(ish) :)
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