We are two for two with workouts this week, so that is something. Last night was Cardio Flow - yes.... they moved it to Tuesdays... F that ish. We wound up doing one of the 2 cardio flows from last phase that we had missed (6 reps instead of 8). We're going to try to get all the workouts in before the 80 days is up. Cardio Flow just really bothers me. I know it's a mental thing. But the damn workout doesn't change at all during the 80 days. At least with the phases the exercises change. This one, they just add more reps of each exercise. And inchworms are the worst first move for me. I just hate that this workout actually angers me. Like, how stupid is that that a workout actually makes me mad? I get pissed off before I even start. And I wish I was one of those people who were like "Oh, I was so mad and didn't want to do it BUT then I did it and I felt amazing!!!!!!" Umm... no. I'm still glad I got it done, but still mad. Oh well. So Steve, sorry again for not being able to hide my feelings on that one!
So we've gotten back to the exercise. That's good! Now to get my eating in check. I meal planned and did some prepping so that is good. It's just the snacking. There keeps being stuff at work that I can't seem to say no to. I was so good to start off when we started this 80 DO, but now I'm here and it's longer days..and I'm... just... struggling... I don't want to make my workouts a waste or a wash. I just need to really find that focus again. Tonight will be leg day, so I won't be angry at least. LOL Just gotta keep myself in check and get there!!
***A very happy birthday to my sister today!! I can't believe she's 25 :( :( :( How the heck does that happen?! I remember holding her as a baby... being annoyed that she always wanted to be around me (lol).... talking to her like she was my kid.... Love her so much!! Mary, you're all grown up and doing great things! Proud of you and everything you do...all that you've become.***
Friday will be fun.... interesting... and hopefully dry. Claire and I will be spending the night inside the ZOO. We'll be there with girl scouts and sleeping with the hippos! I'm glad that it's looking like it won't be too hot - just hoping at least the thunderstorms hold off. It's going to be fun though. We'll get to see some behind the scenes stuff...learn more about the animals and camp out. I remember wanting to be a zoologist when I grew up. Claire talks about that too - and I can totally see her working with animals when she grows up.
Well, I will leave things at that for now. Just hoping I can get my butt back on track - all the way - and do hard things.. side note: seriously, when did I become the person I am who wants to smack the heck out of Autumn and all her motivational ramblings.... LOL I think to me she just sounds so fake to me. I think if I actually believed her, it wouldn't be so bad, but now whenever someone says "You can do hard things" I think of her and it just screams BS. But the program is good - so I'll keep at it. And I know the people in my life mean well and mean it when they say stuff like that, so I'll try to just start believing in myself a little.
I need to get myself back to who I was 4 weeks ago. I feel like a different person... and not in a good way. I was so focused and and motivated. Felt like I was being an inspirational person. Now I just feel like the old Katie who wants to cuddle up on the couch with a bag of bugles, binge watch some netflix and take a nap! <--- Okay, even focused/motivated Katie wanted to do that. But right now I reaaaalllllllly want to. But this is real life. This isn't a TV show where all you see is the good. This is truth. There are highs and there are lows. It's not all sweat and smiles. Sometimes it's tears, cuss words and persistence. It's about balance and finding what it takes to persevere. If you're looking for motivation....let's do it together. Let's keep going. One step at a time. I know that I not only stumble, but fall clear off the damn path sometimes. But I keep getting back up. Do I cry about it? Yes... probably more than I should... but you just get back up and try again. They say if Plan A doesn't work, there's 25 other letters in the alphabet to try... I've probably still used up all of them and am on to Plan CC by now or something... But it's all good. Here's to a good rest of the month.
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
...when you miss 4 workouts, it shows!! Who would've thought. So the weekend didn't pan out like I had planned. Sunday, I was out of commission with an awful headache all day. Spent most of the day in bed. But we jumped back into workouts last night. I wish I could say it put me in an amazing mood - feeling on top of the world - but it didn't. I was a cranky you know what... Got some sleep last night though and am feeling pretty good today.
Yesterday was booty day - I'm sure I'll feel more of it tomorrow. Tonight will be cardio. I'll go to drumming tonight too. Hoping it's not hot as hell in there though. I guess if nothing else, I'll sweat. I can't believe it's already the 12th of June. Seriously. Where did time go?? Summer vacation starts after this week for C. I'll switch to working 4x10s. I'm looking forward to it. I'll have a day where we can go to the zoo or the village or just hang out together. I also need to get down and tackle the basement. Wish I could be doing that right now!!
So I really don't have much to say but just wanted to follow up and let ya'll know that I failed the weekend, but picked it back up last night. We'll probably try to squeeze in the 4 workouts we missed eventually - on Sundays or if we feel like doubling up, but we'll see. As for now....today we'll get our cardio on.
Yesterday was booty day - I'm sure I'll feel more of it tomorrow. Tonight will be cardio. I'll go to drumming tonight too. Hoping it's not hot as hell in there though. I guess if nothing else, I'll sweat. I can't believe it's already the 12th of June. Seriously. Where did time go?? Summer vacation starts after this week for C. I'll switch to working 4x10s. I'm looking forward to it. I'll have a day where we can go to the zoo or the village or just hang out together. I also need to get down and tackle the basement. Wish I could be doing that right now!!
So I really don't have much to say but just wanted to follow up and let ya'll know that I failed the weekend, but picked it back up last night. We'll probably try to squeeze in the 4 workouts we missed eventually - on Sundays or if we feel like doubling up, but we'll see. As for now....today we'll get our cardio on.
Friday, June 8, 2018
What the #$!@
Ugh....I lost my mojo...my spark...my something!!! Someone find it! Just for the past two days, but still... I need to snap out of it. Tuesday I had cardio drumming. Rocked it out. Came home, did a workout. Down on the scale the next day....annnnnnd BOOM...gone. Someone had brought in bakery donuts so I had that, and then the evening was just filled with snacking. Steve was out so I went to bed early without doing a workout. Was just feeling off and tired. Yesterday I was out so didn't get a workout in. So now I really need to catch up this weekend. Need to get my eating back in check and get these workouts in. So we've got Friday, Saturday and Sunday and I need to get 4 workouts in.
This is where I can see it easily turning into the old ways. Just slowly stop weighing, start eating anything and everything, stop exercising.....it's been a vicious circle for years. I do amazingly well for a minute (never this long) and then it all falls apart. Normally this is where I disappear from blogging and "secretly" stuff my face with carbs and disappointment. I need to remind myself, it's only been 2 days. Do I want to workout? NO! Will I feel better after? Eh, maybe? Part of me not wanting to workout these past couple days is that my knees and my back have been hurting. So that is discouraging when it comes to thinking about jumping around, lunges, etc... But not doing those things isn't going to help. It's just something I need to do.
So I need to refocus. I needed to put it out there that by Monday I will have caught up on these 4 workouts. That means at least one day needs to be a double. I think tonight I will make a chicken piccata dish. I need to make sure I really get a good plan in place for next week. I had a half-assed meal plan that I put together Monday for this week. It really wasn't all that. I need to do it how I started off. Meals prepped and put in containers. Easy to grab and go. Plan every meal and every snack. Really have everything written out.
We've got just over 75 days until our 10 year anniversary trip to Mexico. Will I be where I wanted to be body-wise? Nope! But I can make sure that I am not where I was 2 months ago. I can push myself further towards my goals. I can keep going and working on building my confidence...that thing I constantly struggle with. Confidence and anxiety -- if I could sort those two things out I would be golden!!! I'll get there...
So here's to working out tonight... let's get back on track...
Just keepin' it real for you guys..this is me!
This is where I can see it easily turning into the old ways. Just slowly stop weighing, start eating anything and everything, stop exercising.....it's been a vicious circle for years. I do amazingly well for a minute (never this long) and then it all falls apart. Normally this is where I disappear from blogging and "secretly" stuff my face with carbs and disappointment. I need to remind myself, it's only been 2 days. Do I want to workout? NO! Will I feel better after? Eh, maybe? Part of me not wanting to workout these past couple days is that my knees and my back have been hurting. So that is discouraging when it comes to thinking about jumping around, lunges, etc... But not doing those things isn't going to help. It's just something I need to do.
So I need to refocus. I needed to put it out there that by Monday I will have caught up on these 4 workouts. That means at least one day needs to be a double. I think tonight I will make a chicken piccata dish. I need to make sure I really get a good plan in place for next week. I had a half-assed meal plan that I put together Monday for this week. It really wasn't all that. I need to do it how I started off. Meals prepped and put in containers. Easy to grab and go. Plan every meal and every snack. Really have everything written out.
We've got just over 75 days until our 10 year anniversary trip to Mexico. Will I be where I wanted to be body-wise? Nope! But I can make sure that I am not where I was 2 months ago. I can push myself further towards my goals. I can keep going and working on building my confidence...that thing I constantly struggle with. Confidence and anxiety -- if I could sort those two things out I would be golden!!! I'll get there...
So here's to working out tonight... let's get back on track...
Just keepin' it real for you guys..this is me!
Monday, June 4, 2018
What a great weekend!
This is the first Monday morning in a while that I haven't been all "UGHHHH Monday again..." Just feeling good. Friday at work I came in to my desk being decorated, cards, and cake. <--- which, yes, I did eat. #noregrets For "milestones" they do all that typically. I tried telling one of the ladies that 35 isn't a milestone, but she said that here it is. haha It reminded me that I've been in this department for 5 years now. When I first hired in over here and in the midst of "What the hell did I do?!" I turned 30. Myself and another sweet -yet extremely spunky (yeah, we'll say that) lady, Adeline, both had milestones on the same day. I turned 30 that year and she turned 70. Sadly, she passed away a couple years ago now.
Saturday was another great day. I wound up going to Torrid and picking up a few new things. I LOVE their clothes....not so much their prices, but I had their little haute cash things to use, so it worked out and I felt like I really got a great deal! Oh, before that we did do Cardio Flow. F that. Hate it still. Blahhhh. Claire's had her bridging ceremony for girl scouts. She's now a Brownie. After she crossed the bridge - I think a leader asked her to - or she did it on her own (could totally be) but she proceeds to tell a joke.
Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because he wasn't peeling well.
This girl!! I love her so much. My night was amazing. Steve and I got to go out for a bit! Just a great time all around.
Sunday, Steve really surprised me. Not only did he get me the perfume I wanted, but he got me tickets to Luke Bryan in October!! Soooo awesome. And my sister-in-law was sweet enough to take me to brunch. Tried a new place (to me) in Plymouth. Park Place Gastro Pub. Try it - at least for brunch. Holy shit. I had Croissant French Toast and Andrea got Breakfast Poutine. OMG. Soo soooo good. We walked around Plymouth a bit and then wound up in Livonia where I got myself a gift.

...The tattoo I've been wanting for a few years now. I've been drawing this on paper for so long now and was completely in love with it. The sun is the letter C for Claire. She truly is the sunshine in my life. Her joy, innocence and kind heart lights up my world. I am so proud of her already in life and I know - I just know - she is going to always be an amazing person and do truly amazing things. She brings joy and just a sense of life to everyone she meets.
We had a great dinner with my mom, step-dad and sister too. Calories don't count on your birthday I hear, so I had probably the worst thing I could have. Gnocchi Alfredo baked with cheese..... Yeah soooo.... Still no regrets.
I could've skipped the workout last night like I wanted to. I REALLY wanted to. But there was no real good time to make it up this week, so I just said, lets just do it. We did the Arms, Abs, and Ass workout. I am glad we did. I still really do not "enjoy" working out. I know some people do. I mean, I'm glad I do it, and I'm glad after I've done it.....but I'm not anywhere like "Yes!!! I get to work out now!!! Sweet!!!" But it's something I need to do and you can really see some changes. My stomach is still huge but there's definition forming there. My butt is toning and lifting. I still need to be better about eating especially on the weekends, but all in all, I'm still really proud of myself and Steve.
Now one would think that after eating bread and gnocchi alfredo, etc.... I wouldn't step on the scale. But I wanted to today. Granted, I'm sure that this just hasn't caught up with me yet, but I was down 3/4 of a lb. since last Thursday! Heck yeah I'll take it. So I'm still right around 14.5 lbs down from the start of the 80 Day Obsession. Today is day 39.... seriously, almost half way there!!! CRAZY!!! Could I be losing weight more quickly? Yes. Could I be being more strict? Yes. But I want to do this right this time. I want to make sure I'm not depriving myself and setting myself up to fail. Life happens. We like food. I'm not going to omit things all together. I have learned that I just can't if I want to have lasting success. So I will keep going.
I'll stop rambling as this post has gotten long enough...
Saturday was another great day. I wound up going to Torrid and picking up a few new things. I LOVE their clothes....not so much their prices, but I had their little haute cash things to use, so it worked out and I felt like I really got a great deal! Oh, before that we did do Cardio Flow. F that. Hate it still. Blahhhh. Claire's had her bridging ceremony for girl scouts. She's now a Brownie. After she crossed the bridge - I think a leader asked her to - or she did it on her own (could totally be) but she proceeds to tell a joke.
Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because he wasn't peeling well.
This girl!! I love her so much. My night was amazing. Steve and I got to go out for a bit! Just a great time all around.
Sunday, Steve really surprised me. Not only did he get me the perfume I wanted, but he got me tickets to Luke Bryan in October!! Soooo awesome. And my sister-in-law was sweet enough to take me to brunch. Tried a new place (to me) in Plymouth. Park Place Gastro Pub. Try it - at least for brunch. Holy shit. I had Croissant French Toast and Andrea got Breakfast Poutine. OMG. Soo soooo good. We walked around Plymouth a bit and then wound up in Livonia where I got myself a gift.

We had a great dinner with my mom, step-dad and sister too. Calories don't count on your birthday I hear, so I had probably the worst thing I could have. Gnocchi Alfredo baked with cheese..... Yeah soooo.... Still no regrets.
I could've skipped the workout last night like I wanted to. I REALLY wanted to. But there was no real good time to make it up this week, so I just said, lets just do it. We did the Arms, Abs, and Ass workout. I am glad we did. I still really do not "enjoy" working out. I know some people do. I mean, I'm glad I do it, and I'm glad after I've done it.....but I'm not anywhere like "Yes!!! I get to work out now!!! Sweet!!!" But it's something I need to do and you can really see some changes. My stomach is still huge but there's definition forming there. My butt is toning and lifting. I still need to be better about eating especially on the weekends, but all in all, I'm still really proud of myself and Steve.
Now one would think that after eating bread and gnocchi alfredo, etc.... I wouldn't step on the scale. But I wanted to today. Granted, I'm sure that this just hasn't caught up with me yet, but I was down 3/4 of a lb. since last Thursday! Heck yeah I'll take it. So I'm still right around 14.5 lbs down from the start of the 80 Day Obsession. Today is day 39.... seriously, almost half way there!!! CRAZY!!! Could I be losing weight more quickly? Yes. Could I be being more strict? Yes. But I want to do this right this time. I want to make sure I'm not depriving myself and setting myself up to fail. Life happens. We like food. I'm not going to omit things all together. I have learned that I just can't if I want to have lasting success. So I will keep going.
I'll stop rambling as this post has gotten long enough...
Thank you to everyone who made me feel so special. I have the best family, friends, husband and daughter in the world.
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