Saturday was another great day. I wound up going to Torrid and picking up a few new things. I LOVE their clothes....not so much their prices, but I had their little haute cash things to use, so it worked out and I felt like I really got a great deal! Oh, before that we did do Cardio Flow. F that. Hate it still. Blahhhh. Claire's had her bridging ceremony for girl scouts. She's now a Brownie. After she crossed the bridge - I think a leader asked her to - or she did it on her own (could totally be) but she proceeds to tell a joke.
Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because he wasn't peeling well.
This girl!! I love her so much. My night was amazing. Steve and I got to go out for a bit! Just a great time all around.
Sunday, Steve really surprised me. Not only did he get me the perfume I wanted, but he got me tickets to Luke Bryan in October!! Soooo awesome. And my sister-in-law was sweet enough to take me to brunch. Tried a new place (to me) in Plymouth. Park Place Gastro Pub. Try it - at least for brunch. Holy shit. I had Croissant French Toast and Andrea got Breakfast Poutine. OMG. Soo soooo good. We walked around Plymouth a bit and then wound up in Livonia where I got myself a gift.

We had a great dinner with my mom, step-dad and sister too. Calories don't count on your birthday I hear, so I had probably the worst thing I could have. Gnocchi Alfredo baked with cheese..... Yeah soooo.... Still no regrets.
I could've skipped the workout last night like I wanted to. I REALLY wanted to. But there was no real good time to make it up this week, so I just said, lets just do it. We did the Arms, Abs, and Ass workout. I am glad we did. I still really do not "enjoy" working out. I know some people do. I mean, I'm glad I do it, and I'm glad after I've done it.....but I'm not anywhere like "Yes!!! I get to work out now!!! Sweet!!!" But it's something I need to do and you can really see some changes. My stomach is still huge but there's definition forming there. My butt is toning and lifting. I still need to be better about eating especially on the weekends, but all in all, I'm still really proud of myself and Steve.
Now one would think that after eating bread and gnocchi alfredo, etc.... I wouldn't step on the scale. But I wanted to today. Granted, I'm sure that this just hasn't caught up with me yet, but I was down 3/4 of a lb. since last Thursday! Heck yeah I'll take it. So I'm still right around 14.5 lbs down from the start of the 80 Day Obsession. Today is day 39.... seriously, almost half way there!!! CRAZY!!! Could I be losing weight more quickly? Yes. Could I be being more strict? Yes. But I want to do this right this time. I want to make sure I'm not depriving myself and setting myself up to fail. Life happens. We like food. I'm not going to omit things all together. I have learned that I just can't if I want to have lasting success. So I will keep going.
I'll stop rambling as this post has gotten long enough...
Thank you to everyone who made me feel so special. I have the best family, friends, husband and daughter in the world.
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