That's all for now :)
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
Yep - that about sums it up. I don't think I need to go into GROSS detail as to my eating habits lately. At least I'm admitting that I'm been less than perfect pretty darn horrendous.
The holidays are hard. Last year I actually did okay. I had just started Herbalife and was on that high - that omg, I'm going to do this high. I made it through the holidays without gaining - I think I actually lost. This time I feel like I'm up 20 lbs. I just want cookies and delicious food. 2014 HAS to be my year that I really do this. I cannot keep gaining. I cannot lose 20 lbs and then put back on 30. It has to change.
Set up a gym schedule with the husband and each of us go at least 3x a week
Avoid all regular pop (and really try to steer clear of diet too)
I'm thinking I might start my 2014 with a 7 day diet........I really think I might. A good detox from all the bad. That will only mean something if I continue to be good and stay on the right track for the rest of the month - and forever. Or else it was a waste. And once you do the 7 day, if you waste it, you feel really really bad.
7 day diet,
New Years Resolutions,
Friday, December 13, 2013
How I met my TFF
What, you don't know what TFF is?? Textie Friends Forever of course!
Well Kelly and I both had babies due in May 2011. We were both part of our birth month group on and then out of that group came a Facebook page which I lurked on mostly for quite some time. Eventually I became more active on there and at some point someone in our mom group mentioned the bright idea of doing a 7-Day Diet.
So July 13, 2012 this friendship was born. {No I'm not freakishly stalkerish - I turned to my messages in FB and it told me!}
Katie Waetjen
Okay so little did I know Kelly is freakin awesome at sticking to things and I'm the sucky one....BUT at this challenge her and I rocked it out. So what is this 7-day diet you ask? It's HELL. It really it.
So I've been bad lately - but I'm hoping to get my head in the right place. As I start at this package of Lindt Truffles that one of the girls put on my desk her. "Merry Christmas"
Well Kelly and I both had babies due in May 2011. We were both part of our birth month group on and then out of that group came a Facebook page which I lurked on mostly for quite some time. Eventually I became more active on there and at some point someone in our mom group mentioned the bright idea of doing a 7-Day Diet.
So July 13, 2012 this friendship was born. {No I'm not freakishly stalkerish - I turned to my messages in FB and it told me!}

Hey Kelly - I'm in for the 7 day diet -- starting Monday! Going to do my shopping tomorrow morning If you wanna be text buddies I'm good with that too.
Kelly Weber
Woo hoo! I'm nervous. I suck at sticking to things. 7/13, 8:16am
Okay so little did I know Kelly is freakin awesome at sticking to things and I'm the sucky one....BUT at this challenge her and I rocked it out. So what is this 7-day diet you ask? It's HELL. It really it.
That should really be what it's called. The 7 Days in Hell Diet................... The You're-gonna-wish-you-never-let-yourself-gain-that-weight diet................... The You're going to want to eat everything you've never even wanted before diet...
See, even look at the link - it says it right there "aka Satan Diet" It seriously sucks. But I think this go around, Kel and I were the only ones who did it all 7 days. There were people dropping out after a few hours and I really don't blame them. It can really make you feel like poo right off the bat. BUT it works. You will lose and it is possible to keep it off!!!!!! Every time I've done it I swear I'll never do it again and then even now I'm tempted with torturing...errr motivating myself and doing it again.
So this is what we did. And we've been texting ever since. ::insert awwwww:: The more I type this, the more the wheels are spinning in my head to do it again. WTF is wrong with me. Why can't I just eat healthy and not eat stuff I know is bad for me. I do have to say this is a good diet to kinda detox your body tho.
See, even look at the link - it says it right there "aka Satan Diet" It seriously sucks. But I think this go around, Kel and I were the only ones who did it all 7 days. There were people dropping out after a few hours and I really don't blame them. It can really make you feel like poo right off the bat. BUT it works. You will lose and it is possible to keep it off!!!!!! Every time I've done it I swear I'll never do it again and then even now I'm tempted with torturing...errr motivating myself and doing it again.
So this is what we did. And we've been texting ever since. ::insert awwwww:: The more I type this, the more the wheels are spinning in my head to do it again. WTF is wrong with me. Why can't I just eat healthy and not eat stuff I know is bad for me. I do have to say this is a good diet to kinda detox your body tho.
So I've been bad lately - but I'm hoping to get my head in the right place. As I start at this package of Lindt Truffles that one of the girls put on my desk her. "Merry Christmas"
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
slowly but surely!
I'm still riding the low carb train! I've hopped off a few times to sight see, but for the most part, I've kept my carb intake at right about 50g per day. Let me tell you, that's not a lot, especially when you are trying to stay within your daily calorie allotment AND you are vegetarian. It's so different eating low carb now than it was when I was still eating meat. A day of that diet looked like this:
8am-turkey bacon or turkey sausage
10am-cheese galore
noon-chicken wings with 4 containers of blue cheese
2pm-more cheese, maybe some turkey pepporoni
4pm-some type of low carb bar
6pm-more chicken wings, or perhaps a blue cheese burger without the bun
8pm-cheese galore
10pm-some sort of snack
Supplement that all with various sugar free candies, diet coke, sugar free Redbull, etc.
How did I not have a heart attack, and why do people think this is a healthy way to eat? (maybe because i lost weight...)
So now, here I am, trying to slim down a little more, recognizing that I over-indulge on carbohydrates, but also recognizing that I need a balanced, HEALTHY diet if I'm going to look and feel my best (not to mention the set of little eyes that watch every move I make during the day...there is no way in Hell I want my sweet girl to learn mommy's bad eating habits, or even worse, mommy's poor self image). This time around on the low carb train, I'm loading up on veggies all day long, adding in tofu, seitan, vegetarian "sausages" (favorite kind are Lightlife Italian style, only 140 calories and 7g of carbs), natural peanut butter, apples, almonds, low fat ricotta, seltzer water, black coffee, low fat cheese (trying to stick with ones that are naturally lower in fat like feta and goat cheese), wine (reminder: wine is actually low in carbs!), etc. When I write that all out, it doesn't look like a "low carb diet" right away, it looks like a healthy way of eating, and I like that :-) I'm also throwing flax meal into just about everything! A punch of protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, it should be in everyone's diet!
So that's where I am now. In a good place. And I want to stay here for awhile! JOIN ME IN MY GOOD PLACE, KATIE!!!!!!!
8am-turkey bacon or turkey sausage
10am-cheese galore
noon-chicken wings with 4 containers of blue cheese
2pm-more cheese, maybe some turkey pepporoni
4pm-some type of low carb bar
6pm-more chicken wings, or perhaps a blue cheese burger without the bun
8pm-cheese galore
10pm-some sort of snack
Supplement that all with various sugar free candies, diet coke, sugar free Redbull, etc.
How did I not have a heart attack, and why do people think this is a healthy way to eat? (maybe because i lost weight...)
So now, here I am, trying to slim down a little more, recognizing that I over-indulge on carbohydrates, but also recognizing that I need a balanced, HEALTHY diet if I'm going to look and feel my best (not to mention the set of little eyes that watch every move I make during the day...there is no way in Hell I want my sweet girl to learn mommy's bad eating habits, or even worse, mommy's poor self image). This time around on the low carb train, I'm loading up on veggies all day long, adding in tofu, seitan, vegetarian "sausages" (favorite kind are Lightlife Italian style, only 140 calories and 7g of carbs), natural peanut butter, apples, almonds, low fat ricotta, seltzer water, black coffee, low fat cheese (trying to stick with ones that are naturally lower in fat like feta and goat cheese), wine (reminder: wine is actually low in carbs!), etc. When I write that all out, it doesn't look like a "low carb diet" right away, it looks like a healthy way of eating, and I like that :-) I'm also throwing flax meal into just about everything! A punch of protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, it should be in everyone's diet!
So that's where I am now. In a good place. And I want to stay here for awhile! JOIN ME IN MY GOOD PLACE, KATIE!!!!!!!
You know it's never good when ____________.
Fill in the blank! I could fill it in with lots right now.... haven't been able to wear your wedding ring in months because they're too tight for comfort
......your once loose pants feel like they just came out of the hot dryer're contemplating doing the dreaded 7 day diet
the list could continue on and on and on...
BLAH. It stinks because I keep creeping into the mindset that it's almost Christmas, might as well wait til January. NOT GOOD. That's not the way to do this. I don't want to be 270 come January and have an extra 10 lbs. to lose. As easy as that 10 lbs is to gain, it's a bazillion times harder to lose.
Who else is in this same boat?? Let me know that I'm not alone. And then let's get the F out of that mindset and breeze through the holidays.
I still need to get back to the gym... that would help SO much. Hopefully I'll get in a few days before January comes and everyone's resolutions start. That's one thing, the gym is always slam packed January through March...and then it starts tapering off. I want to be the one who continues on. I want to be the one who is down to 200 lbs by my 31st birthday. Is it a big goal? Yes - especially for someone who hasn't really been known to lose weight. Is it attainable? Hell to the yes it is. haven't been able to wear your wedding ring in months because they're too tight for comfort
......your once loose pants feel like they just came out of the hot dryer're contemplating doing the dreaded 7 day diet
the list could continue on and on and on...
BLAH. It stinks because I keep creeping into the mindset that it's almost Christmas, might as well wait til January. NOT GOOD. That's not the way to do this. I don't want to be 270 come January and have an extra 10 lbs. to lose. As easy as that 10 lbs is to gain, it's a bazillion times harder to lose.
Who else is in this same boat?? Let me know that I'm not alone. And then let's get the F out of that mindset and breeze through the holidays.
I still need to get back to the gym... that would help SO much. Hopefully I'll get in a few days before January comes and everyone's resolutions start. That's one thing, the gym is always slam packed January through March...and then it starts tapering off. I want to be the one who continues on. I want to be the one who is down to 200 lbs by my 31st birthday. Is it a big goal? Yes - especially for someone who hasn't really been known to lose weight. Is it attainable? Hell to the yes it is.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Head hurts like WHOA!
Wow oh wow. So I've been rocking this headache I've taken meds, a nap, nothing has helped.
I haven't eaten much today so I guess that's good. So I think I'm done with the carb challenge - it's messing me up in the head and I'm making really bad decisions lol I'll figure something out for next week tho.
Today I had pancakes for breakfast and then make the spaghetti squash Mac & cheese for dinner. I added onion and mushroom to it and it was fantastic!!! Had some pineapple and wine too ;)
So I must tell you - even though I kinda throwing the low carb restriction out the window, I did make some good choices today -- the squash and these freaking awesome healthy crackers!!!! Okay so it wasn't myyyy recipe but it needs to be shared. You NEED to make NOW. Don't just stand there!!
Recipe from:
So I took a cup of flax seed, 1/3 c parmisan cheese, garlic powder, salt and 1/2 c water. I actually added more water and mine weren't super crispy - so next time I'll just stick with the recipe. Basically, mix together, rolled out on some parchment paper (I used wax paper on top to help me roll it out thing) and then bake for 18 min at 400 degrees. So easy. Super healthy. And everyone in this house loves them!!
Sorry the pic is from after we dug into itπ
So when I told Kelly that I made them, she took my lead and you tell this text, do you think she liked them too???
Alrighty - just wanted to make sure we spread the word on these "flaxkers" :)
Night guys!!
Friday, December 6, 2013
Seitan: The Wheat Meat
Where my vegetarians at????? Are you a seitan fan? You're probably paying boat loads of money for it at the store! STOP RIGHT THERE! it's not hard to make at home! I have faith in you...and an easy no-boil recipe! You can change up the spices however you'd like. The only real important ingredient is the vital wheat gluten (it looks like flour). You can find this at Whole Foods in the bulk section, or most health food stores. I'm pretty sure Bob's Red Mill makes one too! Or turn to amazon :-) This is my go-to recipe, and it's turned out great every time! ***WARNING! if you have a gluten intolerance or allergy, this is NOT the recipe for you! It's all gluten!
Now it's not pretty looking, but it's tasty, low carb, and versatile!
Last night sucked. Major sugar withdrawal. I needed to ditch the sugar though, and i actually feel really good today! So i'm going to stick with keeping the carbs low for awhile and see how it goes!
Now it's not pretty looking, but it's tasty, low carb, and versatile!
Last night sucked. Major sugar withdrawal. I needed to ditch the sugar though, and i actually feel really good today! So i'm going to stick with keeping the carbs low for awhile and see how it goes!
And I didn't forget!!!! I'm halfway done with my challenge. Wines were bought. Pinot Noir was actually yummy!!!! I need to finish that bottle.......maybe I'll share......maybe I won't :)
Still need to try the Sauvignon Blanc! Probably this weekend :) I'm determined to do what I gotta do to complete this challenge!!!!!
Still need to try the Sauvignon Blanc! Probably this weekend :) I'm determined to do what I gotta do to complete this challenge!!!!!
Not gonna sugar coat it...mmmmm sugar...
How true this is!!! If I could stop putting all the freaking delicious, errrrr, I mean horribly bad food in my mouth I would be doing so great. I'm not going to lie - yesterday was not a good day. I could make excuses that my daughter was sick, I was sleep deprived and worried about her while I was at work, or a million other things, but what good does that do. There will always be something going on.....always be some stress or drama or other feeling happening. I need to figure out how to deal with all that without food....or with celery....either way!! LOL I know I lack control --- that's one reason I never tried Alli ---- that's the one diet aid that I've heard puts you in the bathroom QUICK if you eat bad food or cheat. Maybe that's what I need... FEAR. hahahaha
I'm going to tell you, this low-carb diet has me crabby. I don't like it. I think like Kelly said that it's just at the number to piss you off. 100 grams. Unlike Kelly though, I'm not really tempted to lower it. I'm trying to remember my Atkin days --- were all vegetables free? Like did you not count those carbs, just didn't eat any others? That restriction worked for me once -- the second time I did Atkins it didn't. I don't know. I never thought I'd say that a Vegan diet would be easier for me than low-carb. Who would say that??? Me.
My one good deed I did yesterday low-carb-wise was make kale "chips" -- I took a bunch of kale, little EVOO and some cayenne (too much!!), garlic and onion powder and roasted it in the over til it started to crisp up. Other than being a litttttttttttle too spicy for my liking it was good. Anyhow, today is another new day. Luckily we always have those. I've had hard boiled eggs and some avocado for breakfast along with some coffee!!! TGIF to you all.
I'm going to tell you, this low-carb diet has me crabby. I don't like it. I think like Kelly said that it's just at the number to piss you off. 100 grams. Unlike Kelly though, I'm not really tempted to lower it. I'm trying to remember my Atkin days --- were all vegetables free? Like did you not count those carbs, just didn't eat any others? That restriction worked for me once -- the second time I did Atkins it didn't. I don't know. I never thought I'd say that a Vegan diet would be easier for me than low-carb. Who would say that??? Me.
My one good deed I did yesterday low-carb-wise was make kale "chips" -- I took a bunch of kale, little EVOO and some cayenne (too much!!), garlic and onion powder and roasted it in the over til it started to crisp up. Other than being a litttttttttttle too spicy for my liking it was good. Anyhow, today is another new day. Luckily we always have those. I've had hard boiled eggs and some avocado for breakfast along with some coffee!!! TGIF to you all.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
How low can you go?!
I was really looking forward to this challenge. WAS being the key word. 100 grams of carbs per day is an interesting number. It's low enough that I can't have pasta, rice, goldfish crackers, m&ms, and a bagel everyday, but still high enough that I don't feel like it's a diet (in the restrictive sense). Unfortunately, it's also high enough that i feel like I have a lot of wiggle room cheating potential. So today I decided to go lower. I'm not planning on staying this low for long, maybe just today and tomorrow, but I can tell you, it helped. Knowing I had zero wiggle room has helped keep me focused! I will also tell you that the sugar withdrawal headache I'm rocking right now can go to hell.
Anyway, I had this lovely little lunch that was leftover from dinner last night. Seared tofu that had been coated with cumin, sea salt, black pepper, and red pepper flakes and then seared off in coconut oil. Paired with sauteed green beans with a kiss of sesame oil (just a kiss, that shit is potent. It's NOT a cooking oil, it's a condiment. Remember that).
Off to make a nice meatless loaf using TVP (textured vegetable protein) with a side dish of vodka (or maybe cauliflower or chardonnay).
Off to make a nice meatless loaf using TVP (textured vegetable protein) with a side dish of vodka (or maybe cauliflower or chardonnay).
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Boo to day 2....
Yesterday I was doing great - everything logged, was staying within my boundaries - but then I got invited to dinner at my sister-in-law's house! (Thanks Andrea -- seriously, it was delicious!!!!) I think she was getting me back for my apple fritter bread and chocolate with bacon over the weekend ;) (what?? I didn't mention that?? Oh......hence gaining weight.....) Anywhooooooo she brought out some bagel chips with these AH-MAZING spreads --- a feta spread and an olive spread......I ate too many. ::sigh::
Plus, as Kelly ratted me out on told you, I'm the queen of moscato.......I limited myself to one glass, and I seriously tried to find the Skinny Girl brand but they didn't have it. I couldn't believe the carbs when I logged it. So I've accepted Kelly's challenge and will be wine shopping tonight!!! Dinner was baked chicken parm and it was fantastic and pretty healthy! I said NO (thanks) to noodles (sounds like a new weight loss campaign...)
BUT, the scale did not forgive me. As much as I wanted to skip weighing, I knew I had to. I'm notorious for falling onto the slippery slope (like a slide coated with crisco) when I skip weighing --- I end up making it an excuse to continue screwing myself over making poor I sucked it up and weighed. Any of you have digital scales out there? I think most of them are, but does anyone else try to shift their weight as they're standing on the scale to get it to lock in at the number that's maybe 0.3 lbs lighter than the other. I feel sometimes like I'm on a bad game show where it's just fluctuating between "win" and "lose" --- I guess that's stupid because the higher number is prob the more accurate...the scale isn't going to register lbs that aren't there, right?
Weigh In: 258.7 :(
Pop: NO!
Log in MFP (kdw6383): Yes!
Stay with current challenge: No :(
Today my day is already logged in MFP. I'm within calories and carbs - so hoping I can stick with that! Coffee this morning and measured out my 2 tbsp of sugar free creamer. I swear if I don't measure, I probably pour 1/4 cup in.....
Today will be better. Hoping the scale pats me on the back tomorrow!!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Ooooh Katieeeeeeeee!!!!
Katie doesn't advertise this, but she is the queen of moscato and white zinfandel. Unfortunately, these are loaded with sugar, and don't even get you tipsy until you've had the whole bottle. Now I'm not saying they aren't delicious, I just want Katie to broaden her wine horizon.
SO, with that being said, Katie, I challenge YOU to a wine sampling experience. This week, I want you to try a Sauvignon Blanc and a Pinot Noir. Not only is wine good for the old ticker, it also is surprisingly low in carbs! WOOT WOOT!!!!!!! And you feel fancy drinking it which is obviously the most important part.
Cheers to you, Katie!
SO, with that being said, Katie, I challenge YOU to a wine sampling experience. This week, I want you to try a Sauvignon Blanc and a Pinot Noir. Not only is wine good for the old ticker, it also is surprisingly low in carbs! WOOT WOOT!!!!!!! And you feel fancy drinking it which is obviously the most important part.
Cheers to you, Katie!
and seriously, who is the better friend? The one who gives a squat challenge or the one who gives a wine challenge??? I think the answer is pretty clear
Good day!
Let me start by talking about the spaghetti squash mac and cheese. O. M. G. it was heavenly. It tasted like cheesy hashbrowns. Here is a rundown of what I did:
I paired it up with some broccoli and a glass of chardonnay and it was absolute perfection.
I loved it so much I forgot to take a picture until the pan was half gone.
(i feel like a poser with a cute little send off like "stay healthy" so i'm going to stop. But seriously. Stay healthy)
- Cut a large spaghetti squash in half lengthwise, put it face down in a baking dish, add a few inches of water and roast at 375 for an hour
- shred 5oz of cheddar or your cheese of choice
- in a food processor, throw in the cheddar and a box of silken tofu. Add in some salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes
- when the squash is done, let it cool a bit so you
don't burn the shit out of your handscan easily handle it. scrape out the inside into a bowl, add the cheese mix - dump out the water from the baking dish and put the squash and cheese mix into that pan, throw back in the 375 oven for about 30 minutes, and then finish it under the broiler.
- sit back and enjoy your guilt free fabulous meal.
I paired it up with some broccoli and a glass of chardonnay and it was absolute perfection.
I loved it so much I forgot to take a picture until the pan was half gone.
You need to make this. Now. Right Now.
(i feel like a poser with a cute little send off like "stay healthy" so i'm going to stop. But seriously. Stay healthy)
Not my best way to start a challenge
So yesterday was day 1 of our Lower Carb challenge. TECHNICALLY, I did stay below my calories and carbs, HOWEVER, I could have done a lot better. There may or may not have been some cocoa truffles from Trader Joe's. They may or may not be in the garbage because I have no self control.
I'm not sure why I do this to myself. I do well all day, and then girlfriend goes down for her nap and I start perusing. A little taste here, a little bite there. I have the right snacks, lots of them! I suppose they don't do much good just sitting there though. Some of my favorite lower carb snacks include:
Getting in the right mindset today and really focusing on overall health! Christmas is sneaking up on us, and I really want to be down a few more pounds! I want this to be the first year that I don't feel sick to my stomach thinking about New Years Resolutions.
On tonight's menu...spaghetti squash mac and cheese. I'm super excited!
Stay healthy!
![]() | ||||
Saddest thing I've ever seen |
I'm not sure why I do this to myself. I do well all day, and then girlfriend goes down for her nap and I start perusing. A little taste here, a little bite there. I have the right snacks, lots of them! I suppose they don't do much good just sitting there though. Some of my favorite lower carb snacks include:
- Raw veggies with low fat ricotta
- light string cheese
- faux turkey slices (favorite ones are Tofurky hickory flavored)
- low carb tortilla with goat cheese and roasted red peppers
- peanut butter with celery
- almonds
Getting in the right mindset today and really focusing on overall health! Christmas is sneaking up on us, and I really want to be down a few more pounds! I want this to be the first year that I don't feel sick to my stomach thinking about New Years Resolutions.
On tonight's menu...spaghetti squash mac and cheese. I'm super excited!
Stay healthy!
Baby Steps...
First things first....
Weigh in: 257 !!
Pop????: NO !!
Log in MFP (kdw6383): YES !!
Stay with the current challenge: YES !!
Wow - only 49 carbs yesterday...slightly over calories and will really need to watch my sodium. Last time I did low/no carb I didn't track anything so I don't know if that's typical or what. I'm not gonna lie, I was
So squat challenge --- yeah that was a dumb thing to do day one of low carb..... I sucked.....missed some opportunities by just forgetting and just didn't get in enough!!
And one final pic:
So I started these jars probably a year ago -- I don't recall exactly when. There's a total of 110 marbles to get me down to a weight of 150lbs. That is a dream. I cannot wait til I can be 199. That
Monday, December 2, 2013
Happy December
This is what I'm going with! The one thing I have going for me is that I keep trying... I let Thanksgiving and the days following get the best of me and gained 3 lbs ::wah wah wah:: since the end of October. I know this because I was part of a weight loss competition where biggest percentage lost would win $$$. So my bright idea was, "hey $5 hasn't been enough motivation for me in the past, let's all put in what will motivate us and keep it a mystery!" So I put in $30 -- the pot got over $200 and yet what do I do, I gain?! UGH!
I kinda set myself up for it though. From the get-go I was trying to calculate what I thought people weighed and what their percentages would be if they lost x-lbs etc. It was discouraging for me when I calculated how much I would have to lose. Adding to that, when people started posted progress, I felt like it was unattainable. Vegan challenge was good though - I was down a teeny bit! - but then cue the end of the challenge, the holiday, and lack of control. I'm not making excuses, just trying to understand my brain. lol I need to do this for me. Of course December is probably the hardest month. But I've got this, right?!?!
My goal for me: To be down 7 lbs. on Jan 1, 2014
Today's weight is gross --- totally carb'd it up yesterday --- 258.7
Mini Goals that I want to keep up on and update with for the previous day:
Weigh in: {{I want this number to consistently go down}} --- please don't lecture about how weighing daily is bad. I know this. I need this. At least for now!! :)
Pop????: {{This should be a constant NO!}}
Log in MFP (kdw6383): {{This should always say YES!}}
Stay with the current challenge: {{Again, a big YES here!!}}
Keepin' with it!
I kinda set myself up for it though. From the get-go I was trying to calculate what I thought people weighed and what their percentages would be if they lost x-lbs etc. It was discouraging for me when I calculated how much I would have to lose. Adding to that, when people started posted progress, I felt like it was unattainable. Vegan challenge was good though - I was down a teeny bit! - but then cue the end of the challenge, the holiday, and lack of control. I'm not making excuses, just trying to understand my brain. lol I need to do this for me. Of course December is probably the hardest month. But I've got this, right?!?!
My goal for me: To be down 7 lbs. on Jan 1, 2014
Today's weight is gross --- totally carb'd it up yesterday --- 258.7
Mini Goals that I want to keep up on and update with for the previous day:
Weigh in: {{I want this number to consistently go down}} --- please don't lecture about how weighing daily is bad. I know this. I need this. At least for now!! :)
Pop????: {{This should be a constant NO!}}
Log in MFP (kdw6383): {{This should always say YES!}}
Stay with the current challenge: {{Again, a big YES here!!}}
Keepin' with it!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Kelly - I challenge you to.....
......a squat-off!!
Tomorrow. All day. Get in as many squats as you can. We'll write down our numbers and picture post them here on Tuesday! Winner gets bragging rights and super sore legs, duh!
Do you accept???
Blah.. I'm weak...
For some reason I do good with challenges, but give me the freedom of thanksgiving and a few days after and all hell breaks loose. So I don't even want to weigh...I'm sure I've gained it all back. Need to get back with water and tea!! I'm excited for our new challenge starting tomorrow tho! I did Atkins back in college and was real successful with it. Being a carnivore makes it easier in my opinion so I give Kelly mad props :) lol
I know we're not doing crazy Atkins fad-ish diet, so I'm excited to see what a healthier, easier to maintain eating plan will do for me. The biggest thing I gained during the vegan challenge was finding that I don't need to have so much dairy in my life. Prior to the challenge, most of my lunch snacks were dairy -- string cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese -- like all of them! Lol it surprisingly wasn't that difficult for me to omit meat and animal products.... I think ill do it again eventually. I need structure. I honestly wish I had someone to prepare all my meals for me. If that one eating thing wasn't so expensive--- the one that basically gives you all your meals -- which prob taste awful - id prob do it. Actually I know I would because it's the structure I crave. But I am not rich so I'll stick with challenges and try to train my brain instead :)
Anywho- with a toddler jumping all over me, saying "please please pleeeeeeeease... My iPad!" It's time to put the iPad away and play :)
Challenge Time!!!!!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! The turkey-less roast from Trader Joe's was actually fantastic! I was pleasantly surprised utterly shocked!
Now let's talk challenges!!! After doing the vegan thing, Katie and I are going to go in a completely different direction! It's time to ditch some carbs! Now we aren't talking extreme, bacon for every meal low carb. We are talking about cutting out the excess. It's going to go for 2 weeks, so for week 1, we will keep our carb count under 100g. per day. We will toy with dropping it lower for week 2 depending on how this first week goes!
As a vegetarian, lowering my carbs is tough. I'm looking forward to the challenge though! When I was still eating meat, I would often turn to low carb diets to drop weight, and my body always responded nicely!
To keep track of carbs (and calories) we will be using the My Fitness Pal app. It's a great (FREE!) program that is easy to use and very helpful in keeping track of what you eat. Feel free to add me if you want first hand knowledge of my diet!
Username: Mumsysmama
Officially starting the challenge tomorrow! Heading to the grocery store in a little while to fill my kitchen with lower carb goodness!
Stay Healthy!
Now let's talk challenges!!! After doing the vegan thing, Katie and I are going to go in a completely different direction! It's time to ditch some carbs! Now we aren't talking extreme, bacon for every meal low carb. We are talking about cutting out the excess. It's going to go for 2 weeks, so for week 1, we will keep our carb count under 100g. per day. We will toy with dropping it lower for week 2 depending on how this first week goes!
As a vegetarian, lowering my carbs is tough. I'm looking forward to the challenge though! When I was still eating meat, I would often turn to low carb diets to drop weight, and my body always responded nicely!
To keep track of carbs (and calories) we will be using the My Fitness Pal app. It's a great (FREE!) program that is easy to use and very helpful in keeping track of what you eat. Feel free to add me if you want first hand knowledge of my diet!
Username: Mumsysmama
Officially starting the challenge tomorrow! Heading to the grocery store in a little while to fill my kitchen with lower carb goodness!
Stay Healthy!
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