Monday, March 9, 2015

Recap from the weekend!

So Saturday was my WW meeting. The meeting after all the cheesecake on vacation.  I was hoping to maintain.  Stepped on the scale.  She asked how my week was, and I told her it was rough with vacation and I was just praying I'd maintain.....  I lost 0.2!!  Even better!  

After my meeting I headed out to get my mom and we drove up to the casino.  One plus was lots of walking there.  So much standing in line for various things though. We registered for the Price is Right show but didn't get called to come on down or anything. Jerry Springer hosted --- eh. LOL  We had a great weekend though - Mary made it up there and we all had fun!

Downfall was the buffet eating. BUT I didn't really eat all that much and I did log what I ate to the best of my approximations.  I for the most part stuck to water or diet for drinking.  I didn't have alcohol and just 2 coffee drinks and they weren't like biggby drinks all loaded with whipped cream and what not.  We just did the buffet twice and I only had dessert the one time. :-D  I think I'm doing pretty good this week, but ready to be all focused for the rest of the week. I'd like to see at least a 2 lb loss.  

On Saturday, the WW coach had us write down where we wanted to be in 5 weeks (between 0-10 lbs loss)  So I of course said 10.  Totally doable and I should be able to exceed that no problem.  There's no reason I shouldn't.  At the weight I am now, I think it's totally realistic to lose more than 2 lbs a week and still be doing it a healthy way. Below are my milestones through WW that I've achieved.  5 lb loss the first week and thank goodness for the 0.2 lbs so that I got the "streak" star. haha  The first goal they have set for me is 5% --- 284.8.  9.2 more lbs to go.  It's nice that they break up the goals.  They haven't even specified an ultimate goal for me yet.  I guess you decide that with your coach later down the line --- sometime after your 10% goal.  

This week shouldn't be too bad.  On Friday I think we'll be going out to dinner but I will need to be on my best behavior!  Weighing in the following morning = no leeway or time to make anything up!!! 


1 comment:

  1. So glad you had such a good time! You are doing so great with WW, I think this is the best for you to go. Keep up the posotive thinking and stay healthy?
