Monday, March 9, 2015

Still here...still counting points

Ok, you haven't heard from me because I have 1 or 2 children on me at all times, BUT, I've been counting points and staying on track for the most part. The first weigh-in I was down 2lbs! Then on Friday I weighed and was up .8. I was pissed. I used most of my weekly points, but that's aloud! I didn't know what happened. So for the hell of it I weighed again on Saturday and bam! Down a pound from the previous week! So I'm going with 3lbs down. Not a lot, but It's going in the right direction. DOWN!

Last night we celebrated my mother in laws birthday with italian food and a cake me and Mini-me made. I overdid it on dinner  but avoided alcohol, so that's a start. I tracked everything and when everyone left, I made mr. W throw out the rest of the cake. I knew I couldn't handle having it sit on the counter. It's embarrassing to say that. That I can't trust myself to not overindulge. But I can't. That 3am feeding for Captain Adorable just triggers me to go after sugar. So it's gone and I feel good that I didn't lose control. 

So here's to another week. The only challenge I have this week is a dinner with friends on Friday that will probably be pizza, but my weekly points reset that day so I should be ok!   

I just need to remember who im doing this for (well, besides ME!) 


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