Monday, April 28, 2014

My first perfect weekend....ever?

Might be! LOL  That's with a birthday party in the mix too.  

From yesterday to today I was up half a pound --- that's what I get for my compulsive weighing.  It's a bummer because I know I only ate 470 calories --- I skipped one supplement...doubt that had anything to do with it, but still, not fun to see the scale go up even a little when you know you were perfect.  Anyhow - other than moodiness I was fine.  I really am more moody with this diet.  Like WAY more.  And in the back of my mind I know this isn't the healthiest way of losing the weight.  But, if I can get to 199 by doing the VLCD I may switch to the mid plan and start incorporating "real" food.  I remember from orientation that that one still utilizes the supplements, but I don't recall how much. 

So talking numbers, from Wednesday when I was up to 248.1, I'm back down to 245.3.  From a week ago today though, I'm only down a half a pound.  lol Darn fluctuations!  I'm super tired today and my head is hurting a bit from my sinuses.  It really sucks.  Don't feel like being at work - but who does on a Monday especially!?  

I was totally going to stop at the gas station for a Monster this morning....and I forgot!! GASP!  I did bring a Dr. Zevia ... basically a diet pop that has no sugar or artificial sweeteners.  It is sweetened with erythritol which I didn't look up til today but it sounds pretty good -- much better than those fake sweeteners. {Note: this is only the first page I found -- I haven't done extensive research --- and I'm sure that water is totally better!}

Events going on this weekend that will be challenging:

  • My neices actual birthday - hanging out for dinner and cake (which I will have none *siiiigh*) 
  • Date night - bowling fun!! 
  • AARDA Derby Luncheon - fundraiser that the ladies in my family have been going to for years.  I do plan on enjoying the luncheon -- typically has been chicken breast, salad and veggies.
  • Game night (UGH!!) It's the same day as the luncheon...

Soooooo it will be a little tough.  But I'll do my best.  Can I just say, all I want (at the moment) is steak.  I surely would've settled for pizza yesterday, but what I really wanted was an awesomely grilled steak.  It's the little things. hahahaha

Anyhow --- just wanted to make sure I gave an update after the weekend to let you all know that I behaved.  

<3 Katie

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing and I am so proud of you. You deserve the treats now and then so don't be too hard on yourself. You are going to achieve your goals, and I love you no matter what!
