Tuesday, April 22, 2014


So yesterday I was good up until dinner.  I decided to have leftovers.  And then dessert..... 

Perfection - that is what today will be - I don't really feel bad for yesterday though..... that's probably not good....

Can I just say I'm frustrated with my body --- girl stuff -- I won't go into detail but I'm really sure this diet messes with your hormones and cycles.  That's the downfall.  But worth it if you consider all the good -- pounds lost, feeling better, being healthier...  Guess I can deal :) 

A while back, I had found this quote / photo on Pinterest. I really like it.  It's a great reminder that yeah, this is gonna be hard and suck, but with each day you get closer to to your goal it's totally worth it!

I didn't become a 100+ lbs overweight in a day, a week, a month or even a year.  It took time to pack on the pounds.  I can't undo it all in one day or month either.  This diet is giving me an opportunity though... I could totally undo the weight within a year.  Completely doable if I give it my complete dedication.  Of course, throughout this journey I still need to retrain my mind and body.  I can't just live and eat the same way I did or I'll just regain it all again.  And what I've found is that when I regain weight, I tend to put more on than I started with.  I need to make a conscious effort to change.  No, I'm not perfect, but I need to work at being as perfect as I can be.  I cheated on Easter - I should've been better yesterday and stuck to eating my supplements and not let the craving for that delicious food do me in.  

Summer is getting closer... our calendar is filling up... there's going to be parties, celebrations, events and outings and I really need to remember my goals.  Each day I do well and stick to this plan - my goals will be more within reach, and each decision I make to ignore my plan is like a wasted opportunity. 

Had my Monster this morning and feeling good!!  (Oh, I needed some Speedway points, so I picked up another Monster...) Gotta do what you gotta do!!  I'm so close to 30 lbs lost.  Let's get this done!!! 

Okay - tomorrow I'll face the music and step on the scale. I realize I may be up from Saturday when I was 245.8 but if I'm super diligent today (which I will be!!) we will see.  Hope everyone has a great day!

<3 Katie